Empirical knowledge

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 12 September 2024
Research 2 | Lesson 2 • Part 7 | Sources of Knowledge: Empirical Knowledge
Video: Research 2 | Lesson 2 • Part 7 | Sources of Knowledge: Empirical Knowledge


Many of the knowledge that the human being has acquired throughout history has been based on different types of reasoning that have allowed to corroborate or refute hypothesisThese processes have led to the formulation of important theories.

The set of knowledge that emerged represents scientific knowledge. However, many other insights have emerged through observation or perception and trial and error. This is called empirical knowledge. It is a knowledge that is acquired with experience.

  • See also: Science.


Empirical knowledge is non-methodical and unsystematic, unlike scientific knowledge, which is systematic and methodical. This type of knowledge does not try to achieve deep rational explanations, at least in the immediate, but to help man in everyday matters.

The empirical knowledge in some cases it was the starting point for the emergence of formal and generalizable theoretical bases: the famous example of Newton's apple, which gave rise to the development of the law of universal gravitation, illustrates this very well.

This kind of knowledge is characterized by respond directly to a practical need or some social demand. The successes of empirical investigations are valued from a practical point of view. It is through empirical knowledge that the common man knows the facts and their apparent order.

In empirical knowledge, a very detailed analysis is made of the different angles of the phenomenon studied, but the researcher does not act on the phenomenon itself. In addition, in the object of investigation, integral, concrete events appear, and the researcher usually directly links results with practical actions.

The power of empirical knowledge is limited, to the extent that rather allows to solve repetitive situations. There are only actions and consequences (or “entry” and “exit” points), as a black box. A particularity of empirical knowledge is the subjectivity of the criteria on which it is based.

Examples of empirical knowledge

  1. Before meteorology existed, people already knew that when many dark colored clouds, surely the rain was coming.
  2. Learn the mother tongue, it is done by complete experience: the child learns the words in the home environment.
  3. The home remediesPopular in ancient times or in many low-income areas, they are based on a large number of successful experiences, rather than knowing how they act.
  4. Like some other social sciences, anthropology and the sociology they rely heavily on human experience to develop their theories.
  5. It is likely that a child seeing the fire for the first time put your hand to know what it is about, but when you burn you will learn that you should not do it anymore.
  6. Many entrepreneurs know exactly how long to leave a product on the market until it reaches its peak of sales, without having done thoughtful research or statistics.
  7. In general, fishermen High seas know the place where the fish are concentrated, although they hardly have a theoretical elaboration that supports it.
  8. When a child learns to walk He does it through empirical knowledge: he tries many ways, until he identifies the one that gives him the best result.
  9. Antibiotic treatments: Many times doctors do not know exactly which microorganism is causing a common infection (eg pharyngitis). It establishes an empirical treatment with an antibiotic that controls most of the germs that usually infect the pharynx and evaluates the evolution of the patient.
  10. Brines as a method of food preservation. Since ancient times, man has resorted to these practices, then he learned that by raising the osmotic tension of a preparation a lot, the water activity is limited and in this way the deterioration of the products is delayed by the development of germs.
  11. The Incas cultivated corn on a counter slope. Today it is known that this way of cultivation reduces the impact of soil erosion in the season of heavy rains and leads to better harvests.
  12. Disinfection of wounds with sugar. Because bacteria need water to grow, applying sugar to an exposed area prevents microorganisms from multiplying.

Can serve you

  • Examples of scientific knowledge.

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