Sentences with Grave Verbs

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 16 May 2024
Action Verbs & Words For Kids (Grade 2 & 3) | Tutway
Video: Action Verbs & Words For Kids (Grade 2 & 3) | Tutway


The grave verbs, like all serious words, are those that are stressed on the second to last syllable. For example: think, we know, we understood.

All verbs in the infinitive are acute words (their last syllable is the tonic) and do not have an accent because they always end with the letter “r”, since the only three possible endings are “ar”, “er” or “ir” (and the acute ones only take accent marks for words ending in "n", "s" or vowel).

However, in conjugated verbs the stress changes:

  • Most of the regular verbs in the present tense are grave words. For example: We walk, eat, look.
  • Most of the verbs in the future and the past are acute words in the singular. For example: will start, ate, attended.
  • Most of the verbs in the future and in the past are acute words in the plural. For example: we will leave, they faced, we were.
  • Conditional verbs (which include the hiatus 'í + a') are serious words. For example: I would study, they would go.

Therefore, it is impossible to find a regular verb conjugated in the past simple or in the future simple (except those that contain enclitic suffixes) that is a grave word if it is in the singular.

It can serve you:

Verbs in presentSerious words
Past tenseSharp words
Verbs in the futureWords esdrújulas

Examples of grave verbs

They dancedLikeMay
LeftWould haveYou know
SaidWould goWe will go out
By contrastArrivedSolve
You understandRequestsGround
WasPintaI have

Examples of sentences with grave verbs

  1. I like visit the beach every summer.
  2. President would have signed a secret agreement with the opposition.
  3. I didn't know that your new book was so interesting.
  4. My son Pinta the flag of the wrong color.
  5. How do we by contrast?
  6. In the mornings, she prefer go out to buy the newspaper.
  7. In exams, always left at least one exercise without doing.
  8. My father had bought that house with the effort of years of work.
  9. The bird Flying just to bring food for their children.
  10. When arrived the night, they danced around the fire.
  11. If not outside for his sister, would go to all their birthdays.
  12. Our country requests a truce for 48 hours.
  13. Solve this once and for all.
  14. No You understand solving geometry problems.
  15. Music may change people's lives.
  16. Tea said several times about his problem with alcohol.
  17. No you know what is dealing with this problem years ago.
  18. No I have nothing more to add.
  19. Ground write in the early morning hours.
  20. On Sunday we will go out very early to arrive at noon.
  • Follow with: Sentences with verbs

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