Use of quotation marks

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 11 May 2024
How to Use Quotation Marks | Grammar Lessons
Video: How to Use Quotation Marks | Grammar Lessons


The quotation marks They are orthographic signs that are used to indicate that two different levels of speech are appearing in the same sentence, to the extent that the sender of a message is changing, or it is being the same sender but with certain qualms about what he is saying .

The quotation marks, like the parentheses, must always be two (opening and closing) and can be English quotation marks (""), single quotation marks (‘) or Latin quotation marks (« »).

  • See also: Sentences with quotation marks

What are the main uses of quotation marks?

  • Mark a narrator change. When a third-person narrator transcribes the words of a protagonist, or if a protagonist narrator begins to replicate what another protagonist has said, in both cases the cited speech will be enclosed in quotation marks.
  • Include phrases or quotes. Quotes are included when a reference to a famous quote or phrase is included, from which it may or may not be known who was the one who mentioned it for the first time.
  • Mention titles of works. Novels, short stories, plays, articles, songs, records, etc. they are enclosed in quotation marks to acquire a special meaning, completely different from what it would have without them.
  • Use double meaning. It happens that while people are talking, it is common that they use some words but with the intention of saying something else: the quotation marks are included there to make explicit this irony or double meaning of a word, which without it would have no other meaning than the formal . However, you need to understand the context to understand what the quotes refer to, on a case-by-case basis.

Examples of the use of quotation marks

  1. Quotation marks in reference to speeches
    • Instead of greeting each one, he said "general greeting" and sat down to drink.
    • I was there, when suddenly a voice rang out: "everyone come in immediately." I couldn't help but enter.
    • When I arrived she was with the suitcases. "I'm going" he told me.
    • "Permission," said the pianist.
    • As Einstein said, "Human stupidity is infinite."
    • When the groom said "Yes, I accept", all the guests were moved.
    • Look at what this medicine says: "Do not expose to the sun." Q
    • "Only the unity of the working people," said our union chief, "will lead us to victory."
  1. Quotation marks in titles or proper names
    • She adopted a dog and named her "Leila."
    • "El grito" is the most beautiful work I have ever seen.
    • In the following work, we propose to analyze "El Quijote" by Miguel de Cervantes.
    • The brand of this pen I have never seen before, is "Vaxley".
    • We recommend not consuming any product that has a “65B2” in its barcode, as it could be from the fraudulent item.
    • For this course they will need to acquire the book "Mathematics II" from the same publisher as last year.
    • "The White Album" is surely the most important album in the history of the Beatles.
  1. Double-sided quotes
    • The president said his fortune was increased by his businesses. Sure, for their "business."
    • My father, when I was very little, was busy on his “travels”, then I found out that he had a double life.
    • I guess you're not coming to my birthday now that you have a "serious job."
    • The parents threw a graduation “party” for us: it was really boring.
    • This year's "spring" was nothing more than an extension of winter.

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