
Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 10 May 2024
Hiatus: Best Collection. Chill Mix
Video: Hiatus: Best Collection. Chill Mix


The hiatus It occurs when the accentuation of a word forces a diphthong or tripthong to be separated into different syllables. For example: rtoíz, díto, zororlogical.

There is hiatus in the following cases:

  • Accentual or accentuated hiatus.A closed vowel (I, U) accented + an open vowel (A, E, O). This generates the following possible combinations: -ía-, -ie-, -ío-, -úa-, -ué-, -úo-. For example: geo-me-tríto, dúor. Also the combination can occur with a strong vowel + an accented closed vowel: -aí-, -aú-, -eí-, -eú-, -oí-, -oú-. For example: e-goríSaint
  • Simple hiatus. Open vowel + open vowel. In this case, the combinations that can be produced are: -ae-, -ao-, -ea-, -eo-, -oa-, -oe-. For example: abs-trtoandr
  • Simple hiatus of two equal vowels. Vowel + the same vowel (but none of them are stressed). This can produce the following vowel combinations: -aa-, -ee-, -ii-, -oo-, -uu-. For example: co-o-pe-rar.

The "h" between vowels

When the H is between two vowels, it does not interfere with the hiatus formation. That is, the word will be divided in the same way and the letter H will always remain attached to the second vowel. For example: al-corhol.

  • More information in: Words with hiatus

Examples of words with hiatus


  1. Creditor (a - crand- e - dor)
  2. Anti-inflammatory (an - ti in - fla - ma - to - rio)
  3. Counter-argue (with - trtotor - gu - men - tar)
  4. Counterattack (con - trto to - ta - what)
  5. Cooperation (cor- or - pe - ra - tion)
  6. Co-opt (cororp - tar)
  7. Coordinate (cororr - de - na - da)
  8. Believe (crandandr)
  9. Disbelieve (des - crandandr)
  10. Provider (pro - vand and - dor)
  11. Semi-conscious (se - mi in - cons - hundred - te)
  12. Zoology (zor or - lo - gí - a)


  1. Slap (a - bo - fe - tandtor)
  2. Boo (a - bu - chand tor)
  3. Happen (a - cto and - cer)
  4. Carry (a - ca - rrandtor)
  5. Aerial (to é - rand or)
  6. Aerobic (toand - ro - bio)
  7. Airplane (toand - ro - pla - no)
  8. Village (al - dandto)
  9. Villager (al - dandto - no)
  10. Alloy (a - landto - tion)
  11. Random (a - landto - to - rio)
  12. Aletear (a - le - tandtor)
  13. Flutter (a - le - tandor)
  14. Align (a - li - nandtor)
  15. Canoe (ca - nor- to)
  16. Chaos (ctoors)
  17. Cloaca (clorto - ca)
  18. Coercion (corandr - tion)
  19. Collapse (con - trtoandr)
  20. Corroer (co - rror andr)
  21. Croatian (cror to - ta)
  22. Decaer (from - ctoandr)
  23. Teacher (mtoands - tra)
  24. West (orands - te)
  25. Poem (por and - ma)
  26. Poetry (por and - yes - a)
  27. Poet (porand - ta)
  28. Rodent (rorand - dor)


  1. Abbey (a - ba - díto)
  2. Grocery store (a - bar - rro - te - rí to)
  3. Advocacy (a - bo - ga - cí to)
  4. Agony (a - go - ní to)
  5. Agronomy (a - gro - no - mí to)
  6. Masonry (al - ba - ñi - le - ríto)
  7. Will (al - be - drí or)
  8. Mayor's Office (al - cal - dí to)
  9. Piggy bank (al - can - cíto)
  10. Allegory (a - le - go - ríto)
  11. Joy (a - le - gríto)
  12. Amnesty (am - nis - títo)
  13. Ammonia (a - mo - ní to - co)
  14. Love affair (a - mo - ríor)
  15. Anomaly (a - no - ma - líto)
  16. Anthology (an - to - lo - gí to)
  17. Apathy (a - pa - tí to)
  18. Archeology (ar - that - o - lo - gíto)
  19. Photography (photo - to - gra - fí to)
  20. Cold (frí or)
  21. Crowd (gen - tíor)
  22. Crane (grúto)
  23. Hastío (has - tíor)
  24. Hematie (he - ma - tí and)
  25. River (rí or)
  26. Rocío (ro - cí or)
  27. Rué (rúand)
  28. Empty (va - cíor)


  1. Abstracted (abs - trtoí - c)
  2. Arcaism (ar - ctoíSaint)
  3. Assemblyman (a - sam - blandís - ta)
  4. Coffin (a - ttoúd)
  5. Atheism (a - tandíSaint)
  6. Attractable (a - trtoí - ble)
  7. I fell (cto í)
  8. Fallen (cto í - c)
  9. Ignore (des - orír)
  10. Selfish (e - gorís - ta)
  11. Cocky (in - grandí - c)
  12. Fry (frandír)
  13. Heroism (he - roríSaint)
  14. Incredible (in - crand í - ble)
  15. Incredibly (in - crandí - ble - men - te)
  16. Judaism (ju - dtoíSaint)
  17. Lute (ltoúd)
  18. Noumenon (norú - me - no)
  19. Hear (orír)
  20. Country (ptoís)
  21. Parachute (para - ra - ctoí - you give)
  22. Paradise (pa - rtoí - so)
  23. Paseíllo (pa - sandí - llo)
  24. Polytheism (po - li - tandíSaint)
  25. Protein (pro - tandí - na)
  26. Root (rtoíz)
  27. Relapse (re - ctoí - gives)


  1. Alcohol (al - corhol)
  2. Pillow (al - morhe has - gives)
  3. Unhygienic (an - ti hi - gié - ni - co)
  4. Bay (btohi - to)
  5. Carrot (za - ntoho - ria)

Follow with:

  • Sentences with hiatus
  • Diphthong, tripthong and hiatus
  • Diphthong and hiatus

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