Words with sa-, se-, si-, so-, su-

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 11 May 2024
Phonics Blending lesson with Sa Se Si So Su and small word practice!
Video: Phonics Blending lesson with Sa Se Si So Su and small word practice!


The letters It is the twenty letter in the alphabet and is one of the most widely used consonants. For example: saber, I knowcrisp, simpre, SWrpress, itssea.

Its pronunciation may vary in different countries, for example, in Latin America it is pronounced the same as Z or soft C, while in Spain its loudness changes remarkably.

  • It can help you: Using the S

Words that start with sa-, se-, si-, so-, su-

satbadoI knowntarSWmbra
satbanaI knowattentionSWFebruary
saberI knowhairSWnest
sabuesoI knowSeptemberSWsmile
I knowcaryesmuleitsdetached
I knowsecondaryyesncopeitsecia
I knowmannayesnthesisitseldo
I knowmileyesntomaitselo
I knowminarySWlitsyear
I knownadorSWlimpetitsltan
I knownderoSWlutionitssea
I knownilSWlventeitsr

Words that start with sa-


Words that start with se-

I knowcrispI knowremoveI knowrrucho
I knownourishmentI knowrI knowserver
I knowladyI knowfastI knowrpkin

Words that start with si-

yesinyesone thousandyessituation

Words that start with so-


Words that start with su-


Words containing sa-, se-, si-, so-, su-

  1. To accuse: A - cu - he
  2. Thick: It - pe - SW
  3. Odyssey: O - say - I know - to
  4. To assign: TO - S.I.G - nar
  5. Happen: Pa - he
  6. Badge: In - S.I.G - girl
  7. Tile: Bal - do - sa
  8. Overflow: Re - bo - he
  9. Dough: Ma - sa
  10. Bourgeoisie: Bur - gue - yes - to
  11. Measure: Men - its - rar
  12. Abuse: A - bu - SW
  13. Bold: Or - sa - do
  14. Parenthesis: Pa - rén - te - sis
  15. Compass: Com - pass
  16. Thing: Co - sa
  17. He passed: Pa - so
  18. Insist: In - sis - tir
  19. Smooth: Li - SW
  20. Merry-go-round: Ca - le - yes - ta
  21. Assembly: TO - sam - ble - a
  22. House: Ca - sa
  23. Saddle: In - yes - llar
  24. Glossary: Glo - sa - River
  25. Luxurious: Mon - ho - SW
  26. Amaze: TO - som - brar
  27. Walk: Pa - I know - or
  28. Laughter: Ri - sa
  29. Measurement: I - its - ra
  30. Cleanliness: TO - I know - or
  31. Pose: Po - he
  32. Marsupial: Sea - its - pial
  33. Assume: TO - its - I looked
  34. Slug: Ba - bo - sa
  35. Assimilate: TO - yes - my - lar
  36. Bear: Or - SW
  37. Knead: A - ma - he
  38. Parenthesis: Pa - rén - te - sis
  39. Butterfly: Ma - ri - po - sa
  40. Walk: Pa - I know - or
  41. Rose: Ro - sa
  42. Roast: TO - he
  43. Kiss: Be - SW
  44. Tile: Bal - do - sa
  45. Slippery: He slipped - SW
  46. Hateful: Hate - SW
  47. Asia: TO - sia
  48. Marriage: Ca - sa - I lie
  49. Muslim: Mu - sul - man
  50. Sunset: O - ca - SW

Sentences with words containing sa-, se-, si-, so-, su-

  1. We climb to the terrace to see the sunset.
  2. Me flavor favorite is chocolate, sabayon and vanilla.
  3. Suzanne is on vacation.
  4. The traffic light it is already green.
  5. Me partnerI know it will take a month's leave.
  6. Yes they are hungry, there are sandwiches.
  7. ¿They know how to get to the train station?
  8. My boss alwaysI know complaint because itsSecretary you it serves cold tea.
  9. Is sauce tea he leftdelicious, although I will add Salt.
  10. The file remains in the subsoil, ¿knows arrive or accompany you?
  11. In September we will go to the beach with my inlaws.
  12. East flavor It reminds me of a dessert my mother made.
  13. I i feel wrong, can I sit in this chair?
  14. Could do silence?
  15. Yes tomorrow is sunny, we can go to the plaza.
  16. The Saturday at night I will celebrate my birthday.
  17. We will go to give a walk. If you want you can join.
  18. For my good performance, they increased my salary.
  19. I bought some seeds from sesame to add to the salad.
  20. I am expert in preparing
  21. I put some plants succulents in the balcony.
  22. Seven books have the saga from Harry Potter.
  23. Yes everything comes out well, next month we will travel to South Africa.
  24. No I know worry about its luggage, weI know we will reach its room.
  25. Greets to your grandfather before we go, Sebastian.

Some rules of the use of the S

  • Inhabitants ending in -ense. For example: canaditaught, United Statestaught, Nicaraguantaught, Costa Ricantaught.
  • Words ending in -sion. Whenever it precedes words ending in -sivo, -sor and -so. For example: repressive - repreZion; prone - propenZion; illusory - iluZion.
  • Words ending in -ism. For example: companionSaint, mechanism, Printism.
  • Words ending in -ísimo and -ísima. This rule applies for superlatives like: carvery, lindvery, grandvery.
  • The ending words -sivo and -siva. For example: corrosVAT, agivo.
  • The ending words -ista, -esto and -esta. For example: specialist, officeist.
  • Words ending in -oso and -osa. For example: forcebear, hermbear.
  • Words ending in -esco and -esca. For example: gigantesca, refresco.
  • Words ending in -erse, -ersa and -erso. For example: verso, tersa.
  • Some conjugations of verbs that do not have S, C or Z in the infinitive. For example: have - hace; drink - babyit is.
  • The ending of the verbs of the past imperfect of the subjunctive. For example: A.Mgrab, temiese, partiese.

Follow with:

  • Words with pra-, pre-, pri-, pro-, pru-
  • Words with bla-, ble-, bli-, blo-, blu-
  • Words with bra-, bre-, bri-, bro-, bru-
  • Words with pla-, ple-, pli-, plo-, plu-
  • Words with cla-, cle-, cli-, clo-, clu-
  • Words with ha-, he-, hee-, ho-, ju-

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