Entering a Text

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Microsoft Word   Entering and Editing Text
Video: Microsoft Word Entering and Editing Text


The introduction It is the initial section of a text in which it is contextualized and provides the reader with prior information on the subject that will be treated in the subsequent development and in the conclusions.

Introductions are used to start a book, an essay, an article, a research text, a biography, etc.

The introduction is the first opportunity for the author to address the reader and, therefore, the time to provide the conceptual tools for reading or to clarify relevant information about what is about to be read.

In an introduction, links of order are usually used to organize the content that the text will anticipate. Its length may vary, but the introduction is always located at the beginning. In a short article it may be no more than a paragraph, while in an academic thesis it will commonly consist of several pages of fluent speech.

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Types of introduction

In general, an effective introduction can consist of one of the following approaches:

  • From highest to lowest. The subject is approached from its broadest and general points to the most specific and specific.
  • Start from the personal. The reader is given the opportunity to become familiar with the subject based on the author's interest and personal approach, that is, he is seduced to share the author's passion on the subject.
  • Historical pan. The reader is given a panoramic review of the history prior to the point of interest of the research, to get an idea of ​​how the study got to the present and what other themes may be historically associated.
  • Point of view elaboration. The tasks that motivate the text are explained by providing the previous arguments that give importance to the research or the exhibition and place the reader in the ideological, cultural or social place from which the topic is going to be developed.
  • Methodological exposition. The modes in which the text will operate, the specific way in which it was prepared and the methods involved (bibliographies, surveys, interviews, experiences) are exposed to the reader.
  • Proposition of a vocabulary. The reader is given the basic linguistic concepts to understand what is coming, as in a previous glossary or dictionary. Ambiguities are clarified and the desired specific meaning of certain terms is made explicit.

Introduction examples

  1. Introduction to a scientific article:

Much has been said regarding the scope of quantum physics in contemporary times. From Albert Einstein's groundbreaking contributions in the middle of the century, to recent experiences with photons and particle acceleration, our understanding of the universe has varied so much, in such unpredictable ways, that no one will be surprised by the intangibility of the theoretical discussion involved in it. test. Quantum physics, in its effort to unravel the threads of the skein of the universe, has led us to understand and accept that it is impossible to theorize without a significant margin of idealization or at least grounded speculation. Hence, in this essay we deal with the specific way in which these speculations operate, especially when it comes to validating specialized knowledge in the area of ​​physics and astronomy.

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  1. Introduction to a literary reflection:

The works of the Cuban writer and playwright Virgilio Piñera (1912-1979) are among the most daring and unique of cultural life on this Caribbean island during the turbulent and complicated period that began in 1959 the Los Barbudos Revolution led by Fidel Castro.He is a complex figure, not only because of his initial attachment to the revolutionary government, which he made explicit in numerous publications inside and outside the Origen Group, in which he lived alongside José Lezama Lima and other intellectuals, but also because of his daring nature, almost vulgar, from his literary publications, which would increase years later, once he broke deals with the Revolution.

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  1. Introduction to a historical exhibition:

Among the ancient peoples, inhabitants of a world that no longer seems to have much connection to ours, there were civilizations prone to architectural exploration, whose importance for the historical study of these human arts is incomparable. Among them, few enjoy the importance of the Egyptians, authors of the famous pyramids and the sphinx, symbols of human ingenuity and the scope of their constructions even today. But little is said about this ancient culture of North Africa outside of the common places established by the arts and by the cultural fascination that it exerts on us. In this work we will try to correct, at least in part, this limitation.

  1. Introduction to a legal essay:

As we well know, our legal apparatus is a direct inheritance of the Greco-Roman culture, as well as of the French, whose Revolution during the 18th century allowed the establishment of the legal bases of a Republic more or less similar to those that we lawyers defend today. And in that sense, Civil Law is shown as one of the most important and fundamental branches for the support of the legal apparatus of contemporary nations.

When we talk about civil law, it should be clarified, we refer to the set of legal norms and principles of law that regulate the relationship between people and assets, between public and private persons, both physical and legal. In this initial concept, which we must clarify before proceeding to our analysis, there are already the elements that raise the need for a thorough investigation, and therefore constitute our starting point.

  1. Introduction to a biography:

I met Martín Valladares in a particularly hot summer on the Island of San Quintín. He had already lost his right leg and was just a remnant of the glorious 100-meter long runner that we were to celebrate so much in the '58 Olympics. However, he was an affable old man, with an easy laugh, who reminded me without reminding me of my father. Needless to say, I did my best to become friends. And that this biography project, inspired by the affection that we professed for years, is part of a debt to him that I will try to repay, belatedly, when several years have passed since his death.

  1. Introduction to a film criticism:

It will not surprise anyone today that an average critic faces up to the so-called Hollywood Academy and demands a more adult aesthetic proposal through their evaluations. Nonconformity has become a well-traveled path in film criticism in recent times. But that is not what the kind reader will find in the following lines. We have proposed to dismantle certain recurring milestones in the history of the so-called commercial cinema, considering them ideological and eloquent with respect to the state of the seventh art in our times, but we have done it with the intention of constructing possible appreciations, and not of making the sad role of haughty young man. We trust that the reader can realize this.

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  1. Introduction to a journalistic text:

On February 22, 2012, at around eight in the morning, Marcos López Peña and Guillermo Rueda Gil were waiting on the Ituzaingó train tracks. His trip to the Capital had just begun, and he was already more than an hour and a half late. Little did they know that they would never reach their destination, as the events of Eleven's tragedy awaited them. This story is dedicated to that story, and to the details of the lives of these two men, leftist militants and renowned neighborhood activists.

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  1. Introduction to a product press release:

Mirage Airways, a French air transport company, this year reaches its fifteen uninterrupted years of national and international work, and it does so with the presentation of a new service system that is its greatest pride. We refer, of course, to the rapid transfer system of in-transit, which uses knitted technology from Israeli industry. Below the reader will find the particularities of the case and the pertinent information.

  1. Introduction to a school work:

The presentation of research on agriculture in our country is part of the studies of the subject of Economic Geography, whose focus is interested in the distribution of economic, political and natural resources in the national territory. Agriculture, one of the oldest and most necessary arts of civilization, has an important presence in the work of our country, distributed throughout the different provinces of the same, despite the notorious differences and geographical accidents and relief that characterize it.

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  1. Introduction to a math text:

Mathematical calculus is a complex, broad subject, whose limits range from the simplest arithmetic, product of the elementary relationships between the logic of man and the nature that surrounds him (counting), to the more complex theoretical and experimental elaborations, typical of applied sciences. In such a wide panorama, it is easy to get lost or lose your way, groping like the blind, and for this a learning guide is imposed as a fundamental tool. The acquisition of numerical reasoning, after all, is a learned skill that requires exercise and effort, but luckily there are easier methods than others. In this guide we have set out to provide the reader with the most simple, practical and effective of all.


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