Infinitives in English (Infinitives)

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Basic English Grammar: Giving reasons with infinitives
Video: Basic English Grammar: Giving reasons with infinitives


The infinitive It is the form of the verb that refers only to an action that is not modified by the verb tense or the person.

In EnglishIn almost all cases, infinitives are formed like this:

To + verb root

The only exceptions are:

  • Dog: power (ability and possibility)
  • May: power (possibility)
  • Must: duty

Next, we list 120 examples of verbs in English without conjugation, that is, in the infinitive, along with their respective translation.

Examples of infinitive verbs (English)

To absorb (absorb)To learn
To addTo leave (to leave, to leave)
To answerTo left
To appearTo list
To arriveTo listen
To askTo live
To barkTo look (see)
To be (To be, to be)To loose
To becameTo make (make, manufacture)
To belongmay
To bornTo mean (to mean)
To buildTo modify
Can (power)To move
To clarifyMust
To cleanTo play (play, act, play an instrument)
To closeTo pull
To containTo put (put, place)
To cookTo reach
To costTo read
To coverTo record
To crack (break)To refuse
To createTo remain
To crossTo remember
To cryTo repair
To darkTo return
To die (to die)To save
To discoverTo schedule
To drawTo sell
To drinkTo set (put, place)
To driveTo shine (dawn)
To dryTo show
To earTo sing
To eatTo sit
To elect (choose)To sleep
To entertainTo smell
To exchangeTo Smile
To experimentTo solve
To explainTo sound (sonar)
To express (express)To speak
To feelTo stay (be, stay)
To finishTo stop
To fixTo study
To flyTo swim
To followTo take
To formulateTo taste
To foundTo tell (say, speak)
To freezeTo translate
To funTo travel
To giftTo try
To giveTo turn on
To goTo type (Type)
To growTo underline
To haveTo use
To helpTo wake
To honorTo walk
To includeTo wash
To insist (insist)To wear
To interruptTo work
To jumpTo write
To knowTo zoom (move quickly)

They can serve you

  • Examples of Regular Verbs in English
  • Past Simple Examples
  • Examples of Past Perfect in English
  • Examples of Future in English

Andrea is a language teacher, and on her Instagram account she offers private lessons by video call so that you can learn to speak English.


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