
Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Oxidizing Agents and Reducing Agents
Video: Oxidizing Agents and Reducing Agents


The substances oxidizers (O) are oxidizing substances that, under specific conditions of temperature and pressure, can mix with a fuel and produce, precisely, a combustion. In this process the oxidizer reduces to fuel and the latter is oxidized by the former.

Oxidizers are oxidizing agents, prone to highly exothermic reduction-oxidation reactions (they produce heat), so many of this type of substances are considered among the dangerous or of careful handling, as they can cause serious burns.

Also called oxidizer, by extension, any medium in which combustion is possible.

See also: Examples of Fuels

Reactions "redox"

The oxidizersAs oxidants, they produce "redox" reactions, that is, simultaneous reduction and oxidation. In this type of reaction, an electron exchange occurs to the extent that the oxidant gains electrons (reduces) and the reducer loses electrons (oxidizes). All the components involved also gain an oxidation state.

Examples of this type of reaction are the cases of explosion, chemical synthesis or corrosion.

Examples of oxidizers

  1. Oxygen (O2). The oxidizer par excellence, involved in almost all flammable or explosive reactions. In fact, ordinary fire cannot occur in its absence. In general, redox reactions from oxygen produce, in addition to energy, quantities of CO2 and water.
  2. Ozone (O3). An environmentally rare gaseous molecule, although abundant in the upper layers of the atmosphere, it is often used in water purification and other processes that take advantage of its strong oxidizing capacity.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide (H2OR2). Also known as hydrogen peroxide or dioxogen, it is a highly polar, highly oxidizing liquid, often used to disinfect wounds or bleach hair. Its formula is unstable and tends to break down into water and oxygen molecules, releasing heat energy in the process. It is not flammable, but it can generate spontaneous combustion when in the presence of copper, silver, bronze or certain organic matter.
  4. Hypochlorites (ClO-). These ions are contained in numerous compounds such as liquid (sodium hypochlorite) or powdered (calcium hypochlorite) lyes, which are highly unstable and tend to decompose in the presence of sunlight, heat and other processes. They react very exothermically to organic matter, being able to cause combustion, and to manganese, forming permanganates.
  5. Permanganates. These are salts obtained from permanganésic acid (HMnO4), from which they inherit the anion MnO4 and therefore manganese in its highest oxidation state. They tend to have a powerful purple color and a very high flammability in contact with organic matter., generating a violet flame and can cause serious burns.
  6. Peroxosulfuric acid (H2SW5). This colorless solid, meltable at 45 ° C, has great industrial applications as a disinfectant and cleaner, and in the generation of acid salts in the presence of elements such as potassium (K). In the presence of organic molecules, such as ethers and ketones, it forms very unstable molecules through peroxygenation, such as acetone peroxide.
  7. Acetone peroxide (C9H18OR6). Known as peroxyketone, this organic compound is highly explosive as it reacts very easily to heat, friction or impact. For this reason, many terrorists have used it as a detonator in their attacks and not a few chemists have been injured when handling it. It is a highly unstable molecule, which when decomposed into other more stable substances releases enormous amounts of energy (entropic explosion).
  8. Halogens. Some elements of group VII of the periodic table, known as halogens, tend to create mononegative ions due to their need for electrons to complete their last energy level, thus forming salts known as halides that are highly oxidizing.
  9. Tollens reagent. Named by the German chemist Bernhard Tollens, it is an aqueous complex of diamine (two groups of amines: NH3) and silver, of experimental use in the detection of aldehydes, since their powerful oxidizing capacity converts them into carboxylic acids. Tollens reagent, however, if stored for a long time, spontaneously forms silver fulminate (AgCNO), a highly explosive silver salt..
  10. Osmium Tetroxide(Bear4). Despite the rarity of osmium, this compound has many interesting applications, uses, and properties. In solid, for example, it is highly volatile: it turns into a gas at room temperature. Despite being a powerful oxidant, with multiple uses in the laboratory as a catalyst, it does not react with most carbohydrates, but it is highly poisonous in amounts less than those detectable by human smell.
  11. Perchloric acid salts (HClO4). Perchlorate salts contain chlorine in a high oxidation state, making them ideal for integrating explosives, pyrotechnic devices and rocket fuels, as they are a very poorly soluble oxidizer.
  12. Nitrates (NO3). Similar to permanganates, they are salts in which nitrogen is in a significant oxidation state. These types of compounds appear naturally in the decomposition of biological waste such as urea or some nitrogenous proteins, forming ammonia or ammonia, and are widely used in fertilizers. It is also an essential part of black powder, using its oxidation power to transform carbon and sulfur and release caloric energy..
  13. Sulfoxides. Obtained mainly through the organic oxidation of sulfides, this type of compound is used in numerous pharmaceutical drugs and in the presence of more oxygen they can continue their oxidation process until they become sulfones, useful as antibiotics.
  14. Chromium trioxide (CrO3). This compound is a solid of dark red color, soluble in water and necessary in processes of galvanizing and chromating of metals. The only contact with ethanol or other organic substances produces immediate ignition of this substance, which is highly corrosive, toxic and carcinogenic, in addition to being an important part of hexavalent chromium, a highly harmful compound for the environment.
  15. Compounds with cerium VI. Cerium (Ce) is a chemical element of the order of lanthanides, a soft, gray metal, ductile, easily oxidized. The different cerium oxides obtainable are widely used industrially, especially in the manufacture of matches and as a lighter stone ("tinder") by means of an alloy with iron., since the only friction with other surfaces is enough to produce sparks and usable heat.

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