Sentences with Would

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Lesson on "WOULD" (conditional, polite requests, repeated actions in the past, expressing desire)
Video: Lesson on "WOULD" (conditional, polite requests, repeated actions in the past, expressing desire)


In English, the word 'Would' It belongs to the category of modal verbs and is used in the context of a conditional statement.

It can be said that the presence of the word would in the framework of a sentence often realizes a conditional structure, in particular of one of the two types of truly contingent conditionals: the 'Second conditional' and the ‘Third conditional’, which express situations still possible and situations no longer possible, respectively.

Example sentences with would

Here are examples of sentences that include the word 'would':

  1. I would like to play tennis on Sundays
  2. If you come with that mask, John would start crying
  3. Paul and Max would always choose the most exotic vacation destinations
  4. I have promised I would send cards every week
  5. I would never go to that city
  6. Would you turn off the lights when you leave?
  7. They say they would help you, they will do.
  8. Would you like broccoli for a side order?
  9. If I had found his wallet, he would have paid for the salad
  10. As a child, she would always miss school
  11. If I were you, I would break upwith her at this moment
  12. The president would present his resignation this night
  13. If we had won the lottery, we would have traveled around the world
  14. Would this work be finished by 4:00 PM?
  15. Would you mind opening the window? It´s really hot here…
  16. If I had time, I would study French
  17. I would like to become a doctor
  18. They wouldn´t have accepted the gift if they had been told about this affair
  19. If he was the president, he would not raise taxes
  20. They would have gone to the theater if it hadn't been rainy


The term would in a second conditional would be equivalent to the simple conditional of the indicative (for example: would go, iría), while in a third conditional it would be equivalent to the prepreterite of the subjunctive (would have gone, would have gone).

However, also analogous to the Spanish language, the word would has other uses besides allowing the construction of conditional structures. This word too It is the past of the auxiliary 'will' that has a direct intention in the future: This somewhat paradoxical situation only becomes apparent when you want to refer to something that happened in the past that involved a relative future.

The expression 'he told me that he would arrive at 9' will be translated as 'he said that he would arrived at nine'. On the other hand, the expression accompanied by the word 'Always' and the verb in the infinitive is used to indicate situations that were common in an already finished time: ‘you would always bring your bicycle when you came to this town’ means that he used to bring the bicycle when he came to this town.

Finally, as in Spanish, the conditional is used in two alternative cases:

  • At journalistic speech, when it is not known if something will happen with certainty;
  • For seem kinder in the case of making a request, that is, as a form of courtesy. The would also applies in those cases.

Andrea is a language teacher, and on her Instagram account she offers private lessons by video call so that you can learn to speak English.

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