Thematic Magazine

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 October 2024
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A thematic magazine It is a type of periodical publication dedicated to the dissemination of articles and informative material on a specific area of ​​knowledge. Unlike variety magazines, in which any topic that is of interest or that is fashionable is addressed, thematic magazines have a degree of specific focus, which does not necessarily mean that they are specialized or technical magazines for a knowledgeable public.

A thematic magazine has different sections in which it addresses, from different perspectives, the subject it deals with and related matters. For example, a music magazine may interview artists, report on the music industry, research the origin of an instrument, and have a section for the sale of used copies.

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Types of magazines

Normally, journals are classified according to the type of information contained and the way their texts are approached:

  • Leisure magazines. They are publications dedicated to entertainment and non-pedagogical information.
  • Informative magazines. They are informative magazines, aimed at the general public, that is, in a broad and plain language and with the least technical approach possible.
  • Specialized magazines. They are specialized technical magazines, whose audience is a minority and constitutes a community of specialists, interested parties and professionals in the area. They usually have a formal and hermetic language.
  • Graphic Magazines. They are magazines that are mainly devoted to the visual field (photographs, graphics, drawings), often from a documentary or informational perspective.

Examples of thematic magazine

  1. Metal Hurlant. French magazine dedicated to the field of comics and comics for the adult public, which circulated between 1975 and 1987 and had a great impact on its readers. On its pages graphic stories of fantasy and science fiction by various artists were published.
  2. Popular Mechanics.American magazine of science and technology, whose publication dates from 1902. Its main axes were automobiles, engineering and scientific inventions, explained to a public with little or no specialized knowledge.
  3. Rio Grande Review. Bilingual magazine (Spanish-English) founded in 1981 in El Paso, Texas, by the University of Texas. It is a literary and cultural magazine, dedicated entirely to the exploration of authors in both languages ​​and especially the Mexican-American border.
  4. For you. Argentina's weekly magazine devoted entirely to the interests of women. Although this topic can be wide and varied, its axes seem to revolve around the different stages of women: For You Mom, For You Girlfriends, For Teens, etc.
  5. Games Tribune Magazine. This magazine in Spanish that started in 2009 is completely devoted to the world of videogames and culture on-line. It is a digital magazine that has a wide readership in South America (Argentina, Peru, Chile, Cuba) and Spain.
  6. The Medical Journal. Uruguayan monthly magazine founded in 1997 that focuses on topics of medical interest under the slogan is “Salud hoy”.
  7. Thursday. Spanish magazine born in 1977 during the boom of Spanish adult comics, dedicated to political humor and satire, especially through drawings, illustrations and vignettes. Its symbol is a jester who always appears naked on its covers.
  8. Enigmas. Spanish magazine dedicated to the field of esotericism, ufology, parapsychology and conspiracy theories that was founded in 1995 with the aim of clarifying many scientific and cultural mysteries to the general public from a rational point of view.
  9. Movie classics. Mexican comic magazine that appeared in 1956 to make a comic version of the great classics of cinema of all time, and today constitutes a landmark among collectors of the subject.
  10. Fontes linguae vasconum: Studia et documenta. Spanish magazine edited since 1969 by the Government of Navarra and dedicated to the linguistics of the Basque language (Euskera). It appears semi-annually.
  11. O. World. Argentina's first magazine dedicated to boxing, founded in 1952 and appearing weekly, reviewing fights and offering relevant information to fans of this sport.
  12. Soccer 948. Spanish magazine published quarterly and dedicated to the field of sports, but specifically about football in the Basque region of the country. Its name comes from a popular sports radio show.
  13. Review: Hispano-American Journal of Philosophy. Mexican publication that focuses exclusively on philosophy and critical thought, in which field (analytical philosophy) is one of the most important in the entire Spanish language. It is published in English and Spanish, and since 1967.
  14. Quasar Magazine. Argentine magazine founded in 1984 that focuses on science fiction and fantasy literature, through the publication of stories, essays, information, interviews and bibliographic comments.
  15. ARKINKA. Monthly magazine of architecture, focused on works and projects of greater interest to the urban and architectural field, as well as archaeological essays and research, published in Spanish from Lima, Peru.
  16. 400 elephants. Nicaraguan art and literature magazine founded in 1995, which takes its name from a verse by Rubén Darío (from the poem “A Margarita Debayle”) and is published on the Internet for the entire world.
  17. AmericaEconomy. Business and finance magazine founded in 1986 in Chile, which is published for all of Latin America in Spanish and Portuguese. Today it is part of an international group dedicated to the study of the field: AmericaEconomy Media Group.
  18. Dialegs. Quarterly magazine that has been dedicated to political and social studies since 1998 and today constitutes a reference in the field of reflection on political ideas and the space for debate and specialized dissemination. It is published in Barcelona, ​​in Catalan and Spanish.
  19. Happy Sundays. Comic magazine published in 1956 in Mexico and that had 1,457 ordinary issues, always devoted to comics and comics.
  20. Manga Connection. Mexican magazine published biweekly and dedicated to Japanese comics and animation known as sleeve Y anime. The magazine includes articles on Japanese culture and appeared in 1999, a product of the boom in Latin America of the Japanese culture of drawing and illustration.
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