Roman numerals

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Roman Numerals
Video: Roman Numerals


The Roman numerals are those that were used from Ancient Rome until the fall of the Roman Empire. This system is made up of seven capital letters that are equivalent to a number in the decimal system. And, that to achieve certain figures, they must be combined with each other.

These numbers have practically fallen into disuse, but they are associated with the numbering of certain issues, such as the chapters of a book or to list the centuries. Also, to list congresses or meetings.

The letters and their values

Below is the list of the seven letters and their respective values ​​in the decimal system:

  1. I: 1
  2. V: 5
  3. X: 10
  4. L: 50
  5. C: 100
  6. D: 500
  7. M: 1000

Examples of Roman numerals

  1. II: 2
  2. XX: 20
  3. XCI: 91
  4. LX: 60
  5. LXXX: 80
  6. CCXXXI: 231
  7. GAVE: 501
  8. DLXI: 561
  9. DCCXXII: 722
  10. MXXIII:1023
  11. MLXVIII: 1068
  12. MCLXXXIX: 1189
  13. MCCXIV: 1214
  14. MMXXVII: 2027
  15. MMCCLXIV: 2264
  16. MMDI: 2501
  17. MMMVIII: 3008
  18. MMMCX: 3110
  19. MMMCLI: 3151
  20. MMMCCXVI: 3216
  21. MMMCCLX: 3260
  22. MMMCCXC: 3290
  23. MMMCCCXLIV: 3344
  24. MMMCDXVIII: 3418
  25. MMMDXI: 3511
  26. MMMDL: 3550
  27. MMMDCXIX: 3619
  28. MMMDCCXLVI: 3746
  29. MMMCMIX: 3909
  30. IVLXVIII: 4068
  31. IVCX: 4110
  32. IVCCCXLIX: 4349
  33. IVDLXXXI: 4581
  34. IVDCCXVIII: 4718
  35. IVDCCLXXIV: 4774
  36. IVDCCCLXX: 4870
  37. IVCMI: 4950
  38. IVCMLXXVIII: 4978
  39. IVCMXCVIII: 4998
  40. V: 5000

Examples of sentences with Roman numerals

  1. This movie was filmed in the year MCMLI, at Universal Studios. It is a classic of American cinema.
  2. To better address this topic, please refer to the chapter VII. There you will find all the relevant explanations.
  3. In the century XX the bloodiest wars in human history were recorded.
  4. We are in the XXI delivery of the awards to the best universities in the country.
  5. To find the director of this school you must go to the room XII.
  6. In the century XV Columbus came to America. This involved many, many changes in world history.
  7. It's about the III international conference on the fight against gender violence.
  8. That information is in the tome IV from the encyclopedia, you can find it there.
  9. In the footnote XXXII what this acronym means is detailed.
  10. Is the play XIX the one that brought him to fame. Before, he was an absolutely unknown musician in his country.
  11. The most important thoughts within Greek philosophy would place them in the century V BC.
  12. No, you are confused, that happened in the second part of the century XVII, not before.
  13. They just show it in the part III of the saga.
  14. For me, the most complete tome is the XI, but they are all very good.
  15. Look at the number section XXV, there it is detailed how this issue should be addressed.
  16. The list has LX points, you have to learn all of them by heart to pass the exam.
  17. Did you see rocky III? I only saw the I.
  18. In the living room XIV is the widest desk.
  19. Its about X Forum for the Fight against AIDS that we carry out in this institution.
  20. I would love to have been born in the century XV.

