Computer acronyms

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Computer Abbreviations & Acronyms Quiz | 100 Important Questions | Computer Science GK Quiz | MCQ
Video: Computer Abbreviations & Acronyms Quiz | 100 Important Questions | Computer Science GK Quiz | MCQ


The acronyms are the words formed from parts of other words, that is, by initials, word fragments or abbreviations. The meaning of the acronym is the sum of the meanings of the words that compose it.

The difference between acronyms and acronyms is that acronyms are a word in itself, that is, it can be pronounced by reading it continuously. For example UN is formed by the initials of "United Nations Organization" but it is read as a single word. On the contrary, "DNA" does not form a word, since when saying it each letter must be pronounced separately, that is, it is not an acronym.

Computer science is the science and technique that allows data to be processed and transmitted in digital format. Like all science, it has its own specific lexicon. Most computer terms are used in English globally, so acronyms and acronyms are an important tool to allow speakers of other languages ​​to convey the same concepts, but also to easily and quickly say concepts complex.

Examples of computer acronyms

  1. ABAP: Advanced Business Application Programming, in Spanish: Advanced Programming for Management Applications. It is a type of fourth generation language that is used to program most of SAP products.
  2. ABEL: Advanced Boolean Expression Language, in Spanish: advanced language of Boolean expressions.
  3. ACID: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation Durability, that is: atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability. It is a characteristic of the parameters that are used to classify transactions in database management.
  4. ACIS: is a modeler that works as a geometric three-dimensional modeling engine. It was created by Spatial Corporation.
  5. ADO: ActiveX Data Objects. It is a set of objects that allows access to data resources.
  6. AES: Advanced Encryption Standard, that is to say Advanced Encryption Standard.
  7. AJAX: Asynchronous Javascript and XML, that is, asynchronous JavaScript and XML.
  8. APIC: Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controler, that is, it is an advanced interrupt controller.
  9. ALGOL: Algorithmic Language, that is, algorithmic language.
  10. ARIN: American Registry for Internet Numbers, is a regional registry for all Anglo-Saxon America, including islands of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
  11. API: Application Programming Interface, that is, application programming interface.
  12. APIPA: Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing. It is the automatic private address of the Internet protocol.
  13. ARCNET: Attached Resource Computer Network. It is a local area network architecture. This network uses an access technique called token passing.
  14. ARP: Address Resolution Protocol, that is, address resolution protocol.
  15. BIOS: Basic Input Output System, in Spanish "basic input and output system."
  16. Bit: acronym for binary digit, binary digit.
  17. BOOTP: Bootstrap Protocol, is a bootstrap protocol used to obtain an IP address automatically.
  18. CAD: digital analog conversion.
  19. EXPENSIVE: Computer Antivirus Research Organization, that is to say "computer antivirus research organization". It is a group that studies computer viruses.
  20. CeCILL: comes from the French "CEA CNRS INRIA Free Logiciel" and is a French license for free software that is applicable to both French and international laws.
  21. CODASYL: Conference on Data Systems Languages. It is a consortium of computer industries founded in 1959 to regulate the programming language.
  22. DAO: Data Access Object, that is, data access object.
  23. DIMM: dual in-line memory module, are memory modules with dual contacts.
  24. EUPHORIA: End user programming with hierarchical objects for robust interpreted applications, is a programming language.
  25. FAT: file allocation table, that is, file allocation table.
  26. Lives: Linux video editing system. It is a video editing system that was created for Linux but is used by most systems and platforms.
  27. MAN: Metropolitan Area Network, is a metropolitan area network, that is, a high-speed network with wide coverage.
  28. Modem- An acronym for Modulator Demodulator. In Spanish it is "modem". It is a device that converts digital signals into analog (modulator) and analog signals into digital (demodulator).
  29. PIX: Private Internet eXchange, is a Cisco model of firewall equipment, which includes an embedded operating system.
  30. PoE: Power over Ethernet, is the power over Ethernet.
  31. RAID: Redundant Array of Independent Disks, which means "redundant array of independent disks."
  32. REXX: Restructures eXtended eXecutor. Programming language used in many applications, easy to understand and easy to read.
  33. Rim: is an acronym in Spanish that means “municipal wireless networks”.
  34. VPN / VPN: in Spanish virtual private network and in English Virtual Private network.
  35. SIMM: Single in-line memory module, that is, a format of simple in-line ram memory modules.
  36. SIMPLE: In English this word means “simple”, as in Spanish, but it is also the acronym for Session Initiation Protocol for Instant Messaging an Presence Leveragins Extensions, and it is an instant messaging protocol.
  37. SIPP: Single in-line pin package, that is, simple in-line pin package. It is a printed circuit (module) where a series of RAM memory chips are mounted.
  38. SISC: simple Instruction Set Computing. It is a type of microprocessor capable of processing tasks in parallel.
  39. SOAP: single Object Access Protocol, it is a standard protocol for two objects to communicate in different processes.
  40. SPOC: Single point of contact, which in Spanish means “single point of contact”. It refers to the point of contact between customers and users.
  41. TWAIN: it is a retroacronym, that is to say that from a pre-existing word, the speakers imagine of what other words an acronym could be. TWAIN is a scanner imaging standard. Once this technology was popularized, TWAIN began to be considered as an acronym for “technology without an interesting name”, that is, technology without an interesting name.
  42. UDI: Unified Display Interface. It is a digital video interface that replaces VGA.
  43. VESA: Video Electronics Standards Association: Association for Electronic and Video Standards.
  44. WAM: Wide area network, which in Spanish means wide area network.
  45. Wlan: Wireless local area network, which means "wireless local area network".
  46. Xades: XML Advanced Electronic Signatures, that is, XML advanced electronic signatures. They are extensions that adapt the XML-Dsig recommendations to the advanced electronic signature.
  47. Xajax: PHP open source library. It is used to generate web applications. Its name is a variation of the acronym AJAX.
  48. YAFFS: Yet another flash file system. An application whose name can be translated as "another flash filesystem".
  49. Yast: Yet another setup tool. It is the name of an application that can be translated as “Another configuration tool”. The application is used to distribute Linux openSUSE.
  50. Zeroconf: Zero Configuration Networking, that is, zero configuration network. It is a set of technologies used to automatically create a computer network.

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