Sentences with conditional connectors

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
English Conditional Sentences (with examples!)
Video: English Conditional Sentences (with examples!)


Theconnectors They are the words or expressions that allow to indicate a relationship between two sentences or statements. The use of connectors favors the reading and comprehension of texts as they provide coherence and cohesion.

There are different types of connectors, which give different meanings to the relationship they establish: of order, of exemplification, of explanation, of cause, of consequence, of addition, of condition, of purpose, of opposition, of sequence, of synthesis and of conclusion.

Theconditional connectors They are used to condition one concept in relation to another and to restrict or partially grant information. For example: We will get to the movies if we hurry.

  • It can serve you: Connectors

Some conditional connectors are:

Even thoughUnlessWhile
ProvidedOn condition thatGiven the
YesProvided thatAs long as
As long asUnlessHow

Examples of sentences with conditional connectors

  1. It is true even though I know you don't believe me
  2. Even though doubt yourself, I know you have studied and you can pass.
  3. I won't be mad at you provided that You keep your end of the deal
  4. Yes she calls, I'll let you know.
  5. The war will end on condition of cede part of the territory.
  6. Drive the road you want provided that Let's get to the destination, I don't care which path you take
  7. I will sign the document for you provided that stop bothering me.
  8. We will vote in favor of the proposal provided that are carried out quickly.
  9. We vote in support of the proposal to build the factory on condition that a monthly environmental report is carried out.
  10. Even though don't get it, I know you've made the best decision for everyone.
  11. Yes You feel the need to go find it, so do it.
  12. We have to generate new jobs except that already it is not possible to do it within this organization.
  13. All human commitments indicate an advance for society, as long as are applied.
  14. Some children learn faster while others do it more slowly.
  15. Chancellor will not press charges unless do not offer the corresponding apologies for the events that occurred yesterday.
  16. We can make our dreams come true as long as we strive for it.
  17. Unless there is any unforeseen event, the exam will be taken tomorrow.
  18. It is best to reach a peaceful agreement alwayswhat you want to end a war.
  19. I don't eat bread, unless be comprehensive.
  20. Yes you enter the game, you may not be able to exit.
  21. No one will question the effectiveness of this municipality as long as there are public works in view of the citizens.
  22. There is no other way out for the team, unless a miracle happens.
  23. I agree with the schedule of the school concert that you have in mind, on condition that each child has an instrument and can participate equally in it.
  24. We will eat in that restaurant and I will pay the bill provided that tell me about what you talked to Juan about.
  25. How don't push yourself, you won't pass.
  26. I'm not interested in working a few more hours provided that then we can go out for a walk.
  27. Your friends won't come unless we call them.
  28. How do not comply, no one will trust you.
  29. I will prepare lunch on condition that you wash the dishes.
  30. Do not be afraid. While you do the right thing, nothing will go wrong.
  31. So you don't fall ill as long as it's cold, bundle up.
  32. We will pay what you say provided that help us with this situation.
  33. Given the We don't have money, we won't be able to go to the movies.
  34. I just follow the impulses of my heart while you are only governed by what your mind and intellect dictate.
  35. We will go to the park as long as don't rain.
  36. Given the We all agree, we will go visit Fabricio at the clinic.
  37. How don't hurry, we'll be late.
  38. Given the all the children want, we will repeat the play with the puppets.
  39. Russia achieved another partial victory, while Japan did not achieve such a triumph in the Skate Olympics.
  40. I'll give you theater tickets on condition that take my cousin Elena with you.
  41. We should go to Matías's performance as long as we have transportation to return at that time of the morning.
  42. We are better than before even though I don't know if it is enough to afford the purchase of a house.
  43. We support the candidacy of the current candidate, on condition that do what you have promised the people.
  44. Bolivia agrees to enter into the international treaty on condition that the military bases in your country are disarmed.
  45. The harvest will sell very well this year Given the the rains have been abundant and the winds scarce.
  46. Social conditions remain critical for the city but nothing is said provided that tourists keep coming.
  47. The government of Chile demands an increase in taxes while Venezuela reduces them.
  48. Employees are willing to stay a few more hours on condition that are credited as additional hours.
  49. We will get to take the plane as long as let's go there now.
  50. You can go out to play as long as finish your homework earlier.
  51. Of course we will buy the lottery tickets, as long as we can afford the money.
  52. Discount is acceptable as long as product quality does not diminish for customers.
  53. We will not be able to reach my grandparents' house in the forest because the road is obstructed after the storm unless you know another way.
  54. Given the I only have a few dollars saved, our vacations will have to be financially restricted.
  55. While this project seems effective, you will have the unconditional support of the commission.
  56. I can't find a solution to our problem unless you know inclusion strategies for children with visual disabilities.
  57. Given the the client who had the problem is not present, we cannot and should not speak other than the lawyer in the matter.
  58. Given the We don't have the test results yet, we can only speculate.
  59. I like this candidate because he is responsible and diplomatic, while the other was impulsive and talkative.
  60. Unless Call before, the doctor will not receive you today because he is very busy.
  61. Ecuador will not recover from the stock market crash unless change the course of your finances.
  62. Unless let us agree, we will not be able to do everything planned for today.
  63. The benefits of eating healthy foods are high while the same is not the case with fast food.
  64. I can't go with you today Given the I am not in the city.
  65. We will not go to Irene's birthday this Saturday Given the we already had an out of town engagement.
  66. Given the the labor crisis is global, it is not surprising to think that there are also problems of the same nature here.
  67. I will be at my house today unless The teacher doesn't send us homework, then I can go out and play.
  68. Fabian can play in the team, unless he doesn't want to play with us.
  69. Given the You haven't read the textbooks, I can't approve of you, Julian.
  70. We have to cross the river unless you know another safer way.
  71. Given the You don't have time, I'll go to the movies alone.
  72. Tomorrow we will go to the zoo, unless is suspended due to bad weather.
  73. I will graduate next year unless something unforeseen happens.
  74. South American countries will accept immigrants from Africa on condition of obtain European financial support.
  75. I will eat in this restaurant on condition that don't add so much salt to your dishes.
  76. We can't go to the rock concert unless someone give us the tickets.
  77. I promise you I won't use the money saved unless misfortune happens.
  78. We will have to increase the price of our products, unless Let's find suppliers that sell us at a lower cost than the current one.
  79. The food was delicious even though I shouldn't keep eating if I want to lose weight.
  80. Merchants won't open store doors today unless receive the promised merchandise.
  81. Girls will not train on the team today, unless Sun comes out.
  82. Rocío will study psychology, unless change your mind.
  83. This time I tell you the truth even though hard to believe.
  84. Given the Today we have worked very hard, tomorrow we will be able to leave earlier.
  85. Here they have treated us like kings, while in the other hotel they barely greeted us.
  86. My parents live in Mexico, even though they come often to visit me.
  87. Given the We have complied with the presentation that the teacher asked us, she will give us a good grade, surely.
  88. I promise that I will help you, unless you don't let me do it.
  89. The players were angry with the coach, even though he had his reasons for acting as he had.
  90. Unless the government take some measure to protect factories, imports will destroy the domestic market.
  91. You set the table so we can have dinner while I season the food.
  92. The current learning method can be very effective as long as is done properly.
  93. I know I have driven safely here unless You have missed some minor signage that you might not have seen.
  94. I know you will become a lawyer even though that depends on many factors.
  95. We must swim across the river unless some of those present cannot swim.
  96. The crisis on the border between Mexico and the United States will not have a solution, unless It is understood that those who cross it are people with dreams.
  97. It's over there! - Said the captain - And that way we will go because we trust your sense of direction, unless has been confused.
  98. There are rumors of a forbidden relationship between the star and the singer, Given the have seen them together again.
  99. I can't open the front door for you Given the I have gone to the store.
  100. We will not achieve remarkable economic growth unless Let's change our collection and savings method.

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