Prayers with Hiatus

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Healing to Acid Reflux Hiatal Hernia Ulcer and Other GI Issues - Mark DeJesus
Video: Healing to Acid Reflux Hiatal Hernia Ulcer and Other GI Issues - Mark DeJesus


The hiatus It occurs when a word has two consecutive vowels but in different syllables. This occurs when the accentuation of the word forces a diphthong or tripthong to be separated into different syllables. For example: rtoíz, landón.

There are different cases in which a hiatus occurs:

  • Accentuated hiatus. Closed vowel (i, u) stressed + open vowel (a, e, o) unstressed (or vice versa). For example: as-tro-no-míto. (in this case, it is not a sharp word but serious)
  • Simple hiatus. Open vowel + accented open vowel. For example: pandón.
  • Simple vowel hiatus same vowel. For example: landandr.

There are words with an H in the middle of the hiatus. In Spanish, the hache is silent (except in combination with C or S) and therefore does not interrupt the formation of a hiatus. For example: al-cor-horl.

  • See also: What is hiatus?

Simple hiatus

  1. Booed (a - bu - chand to - c). The team was booed after the ghastly game they had played.
  2. Was happening (a - cto and - Inc). Was happening the death of that hero.
  3. Carry (a - ca - rrandtor). The thief would go to trial: he should carry the consequences of their actions.
  4. Aerial (to é - rand to). The company aerial paid all expenses following delays in the scheduled flight.
  5. Airplane (toand - ro - pla - no). The Airplane landed without difficulty.
  6. Village (al - dandto). The village it was surrounded by the Indians.
  7. Villager (al - dandto - no). The villagers they fought with all their might.
  8. Random (a - landto - to - rio). The order of the ingredients should not be random.
  9. Flutter (a - le - tandor). The bird, already tired, drew in the sky a careless flutter.
  10. Lined up (a - li - nandto - Ron). That day the planets lined up to my favor.
  11. Atheist (a - te –o). My father is atheist.
  12. Whitening (blan - whatand or). At the bank they suggested that all customers do a Whitening of your keys.
  13. Boa (borto). One of the families of boas is the boa python.
  14. Canoe (ca - nor- to). The aborigines moved in primitive but efficient canoes.
  15. Chaos (ctoors). The chaos it seized the city for an instant.
  16. Sewer (clorto - ca). The sewer it should have been emptied long ago.
  17. Cocoa (co - cor to). My mother will prepare a delicious cocor.
  18. Contract (with - trtoandr). The couple wanted contract marriage immediately.
  19. Croatian (cror to - ta). Prince Croatian sadly said goodbye to his country.
  20. Decay (from - ctoandr). The economy began to decay the second semester.
  21. Teacher (mtoands - tra). The teacher taught arithmetic today.
  22. Oasis (or - a - sis). In the middle of the desert, the traveler glimpsed a beautiful oasis.
  23. West (orands - te). I like movies from far away West
  24. Poem (por and - ma). Javier wrote apoema for his girlfriend Andrea.
  25. Poetry (por and - síto). Through poetry it is possible to express many feelings.
  26. Poet (porand - ta). My uncle Alberto is a great poe
  27. Rodent (rorand - dor). In the movie, the roedor was good and his name was Ratatouille

Simple hiatus of two equal vowels

  1. Creditors (a - crand- e - do - res). The acreeDoors called for a business meeting.
  2. Anti-inflammatory (an - ti in - fla - ma - to - rio). The mint plant is antiinflammatory
  3. Counterargument (with - trtotor - gu - men - to). The prosecution filed a contraargument to defend the young woman.
  4. Counterattack (with - trto to - ta - what). The fighter jets presented a contraa
  5. Cooperated (cor- or - pe - ra - ron). The neighbors coothey quickly came to terms with the situation.
  6. Coordinates (cororr - de - na - das). The plane traced cooordered to land
  7. Believe (crandandr). My mother always said that it is creer that goodness lives inside each person.
  8. Provider (pro - vand and - dor). The proveedor did not show up at the store today
  9. Semi-conscious (se - mi in - cons - hundred - te). After the accident, the woman was left semii
  10. Zoo (zor or - ló - gi - co). Last Friday we went to the zoological with my parents.

Accentual or accentuated hiatus

  1. Advocacy (a - bo - ga - cí to). My friend Noelia is studying lawía in college.
  2. Agony (a - go - ní to). This room inside the hospital is reserved for patients with agonía.
  3. Agronomy (a - gro - no - mí to). The faculty of agronomía proposed an agronomic fair for everyone.
  4. Brickwork (al - ba - ñi - le - ríto). You better hire someone who has a background in masonryía.
  5. Will (al - be - drí or). Free willio It is what all human beings possess.
  6. Town hall (al - cal - dí to). The mayoría requested prison for the thief.
  7. Piggy bank (al - can - cíto). I have several dollars in my purseía toy.
  8. Allegory (a - le - go - ríto). When you read “La allegoría of Plato's cave ”, to understand many things about this Greek philosopher and about society in general.
  9. Joy (a - le - gríto). I feel great joyía for your personal achievements
  10. Ammonia (a - mo - ní to - co). You must be careful with the ammoníaco because it has a very strong, penetrating and unbearable smell
  11. Love affair (loveíor). The two friends and a young woman were involved in a great loveio.
  12. Anomalies (a - no - ma - lítos). genes can have different abnormalitiesía
  13. Apathy (a - pa - tí to). Depression, as a disease, produces great apathyía in who suffers it.
  14. Archeology (ar - that - o - lo - gíto). My friend Martín studies archeologyía.
  15. Fluorine (fluor –or). Lend me the yellow penciluor, please.
  16. Photographs (photo - to - gra - fí tos). Valentine has taken some photographsíaThey are beautiful.
  17. Cold (frí or). In this area long agoio during the summer nights.
  18. Crowd (gen - tíor). In the square there was a large crowdio gathered to celebrate.
  19. Crane (grúto). Foreman Ariel handled that grua
  20. Ship (na - víor). The navio it crashed during the battle of March 13.
  21. Police (po - li - cí to). The police departmentía it is across the street.
  22. River (rí or). The fish swam rio
  23. Dew (ro - cí or). The rocio descended on the grass in the early morning
  24. Empty (goes - cíor). Heartbreak produces a great vacio in the heart of those who suffer it.

Hiatus with "h"

  1. Alcohol (al - corhol). This wine has very little percentage of alcohol.
  2. Pillow (al - morhe has - gives). I find it impossible to sleep without me pillow.
  3. Unsanitary (an - ti hi - gié - ni - co). It is unsanitary if you don't wash your hands with soap and water before lunch.
  4. Bay (btohi - to). Tourists will visit the bay in the afternoon.
  5. Bohemian (bo - he - mine). My cousin Julio is Bohemian: travels around the world for years.
  6. Redo (Redo). The teacher sent me to Redo homework.
  7. Carrots (za - ntoho - rias). I think I'll have a salad of carrots today.

See also:

  • Diphthong, tripthong and hiatus
  • Hiatus

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