Sentences with "according to"

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 15 May 2024
Video: robotmega


The preposition "according to" It is used synonymously with "according to" and "in proportion to" and to indicate point of view and opinion. For example: We are all equal before the law according Justice. / According the doctor, the patient had improved a lot.

Prepositions are links that relate the different elements of a sentence and are used to indicate origin, provenance, direction, destination, means, reason or possession.

Like all prepositions, “according” is invariable (that is, it has neither gender nor number).

Examples of sentences with the preposition "according"

  1. The scenes were expensive, but well done according director.
  2. I would do the computer fix according what was previously agreed with the client.
  3. Esteban put a certain amount of each ingredient according the soup recipe.
  4. According the tour guide, that was the busiest square in town.
  5. According the weather report, it won't rain today.
  6. Did exercises at home according as indicated by the coach.
  7. According Julio, they could do the presentation in half an hour; but according Claudia, they were going to need a little more time.
  8. The industry will grow a lot this year according specialists in the field.
  9. Many people have improved their quality of life according the last survey conducted.
  10. According the book I read, there are many animal species in danger of extinction.
  11. We will choose the gift according the price.
  12. According the deal, everyone will receive the same earnings.
  13. Educational reforms were made according what the teachers had requested.
  14. According the sign, we have to turn left to get to the museum.
  15. We will choose the graphic designer according the experience you have.
  16. Sent the package by mail according directions from your boss.
  17. The school bought pencils according the amount of students that attended.
  18. According legend, King Arthur drew a sword from a stone.
  19. Donations will be distributed according the needs of people.
  20. According the queen, the ceremony was a success.
  21. The rules were unclear from the start according some of the competition participants.
  22. We will go to the movies or ride a boat according how is the weather.
  23. Organized what to do first and what to do next according the places he had to go.
  24. In the company they gave a salary increase to the employees according the quality of each one's work.
  25. You will be able to learn and improve in the French course according the time you spend outside of class.
  26. According the designer of the important brand, the colors that will be used the most in the summer will be lilac, yellow and turquoise.
  27. The evaluation will be according previously seen in class.
  28. He had to put on the cream according the indications of the dermatologist.
  29. According the newspaper, the best restaurants in the city are those with the most variety of dishes.
  30. Claudia will go to the party according who goes.
  • More examples in: Sentences with prepositions

The prepositions are:


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