Sentences with Sharp, Graves and Esdrújulas Words

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 4 July 2024
Sentences with Sharp, Graves and Esdrújulas Words - encyclopedia
Sentences with Sharp, Graves and Esdrújulas Words - encyclopedia


One of the ways of classifying words is according to which syllable the word is stressed. According to this criterion, there are:

  • Sharp They are stressed on the last syllable. For example: dogtion.
  • Graves. They are stressed on the penultimate syllable. For example: angel.
  • Esdrújulas. They are stressed on the penultimate syllable. For example: orxigeno.
  • Overdrives. They are stressed on the syllable before the penultimate. For example: I believedetelo.

When do they have an accent?

  • Sharp. They have an accent when they end in N, S or vowel. For example: dogtion, toafter, I hearchó. They do not have an accent when they do not end in N, S or vowel. For example: correr, itsuseful
  • Serious. They have an accent when they do not end in N, S or vowel. For example: nectar, ágil, thepiz. They do not have an accent when they end in N, S or vowel. For example: corren, ACma, suertea.
  • Esdrújulas. They always have an accent. For example: pagina, dogattic, trafficsite.
  • Sobreesdrújulas. They always have an accent. For example: raquickly, Thucrawl them, coldamente.

Examples of sentences with sharp words


  1. The president of the nationannounced the new law.
  2. That song it was my favorite.
  3. Let's begin to raise the conclusion of the problem.
  4. Finally the entrepreneur I agree the proposal.
  5. We will go to the doctor today to measure your Pressure arterial.
  6. They gave my little brother a truck toy.
  7. Water and oil are liquids that, when placed together, Never I know will unite.
  8. The soccer team wants to be champion again this year.
  9. We played in the square when we hear a strong drop. It was my cousin who had tripped and fallen.
  10. My next birthday I will celebrate in a great living room.
  11. In that chance, I talked with property.
  12. The chameleon it is a kind of lizard.
  13. They called on the phone and I attended politely.
  14. Yesterday born my cousin Julian.
  15. The teacher asked us for a drafting 200 words about dinosaurs.
  16. The solution your problem is within you.
  • More in: Sharp words with tilde


  1. Am I'm sure Martin will be back in a bit.
  2. The viceroy he left the region.
  3. We'll go to adopt a new pet today!
  4. The aerosol it is one of the gases that damages the ozone layer.
  5. We are going to sing a song among all!
  6. Obviously that decision will to affect the psyche of Maria.
  7. My mother wants to buy a new paste dental
  8. Be best no to deposit our savings in this bank.
  9. You can leave your toys at my house for today.
  10. Study it is essential for progress.
  11. The ship space crashed into the mountain in the movie.
  12. She is able from Approve.
  13. The Sun peeked out of the clouds.
  14. I will draw on it paper something nice for you.
  15. In the zoo there was a big ostrich.
  16. The lady treated him with coldness.
  17. That was a great opportunity for progress.
  • More in: Sharp words without accent

Examples of sentences with serious words


  1. The light was color amber.
  2. That decision was very difficult to take.
  3. The bones fossils They were found west of the city.
  4. The thief went to the jail.
  5. They lost the match of football.
  6. The tunnel it ran through the whole city.
  7. My older sister bought a new mascara.
  8. That tree it has no fruit.
  9. She I knew what he was planning.
  10. My father slept in his bed.
  11. The apostle He spoke and they all listened attentively.
  12. The boy looked likeweak but it wasn't.
  13. The superhero was very agile.
  14. The information you gave me was very Useful.
  15. Take a pencil to write.
  16. This land is fertile.
  • More in: Serious words (with tilde)


  1. That looked like the singing of a siren.
  2. The donkey moved the peasant.
  3. They had a beautiful kiss parting.
  4. She was the most happy of the world.
  5. I'll buy one chair color yellow.
  6. He lay down on the bed, exhausted.
  7. The path I was full of obstacles.
  8. The movie was just one copy from another film.
  9. The entrepreneur understood the order of the employees.
  10. The Red it's my color Favourite.
  11. The plane has fourDepartures emergency.
  12. My mother prepared a rich sauce.
  13. The more little one of the brothers was slow to leave the room.
  14. The woman bought many gifts.
  15. The toy from my cousin fell and broke.
  16. The match was discontinued.
  17. Them gave a notebookred to the newly married.
  • More in: Serious words (without accent marks)

Examples of sentences with esdrújulas words

It is important to remember that all words esdrújulas are written with a tilde.

  1. Reach me the spatula, please.
  2. The tarantula it was huge and it scared me a lot.
  3. That play was fantastic.
  4. At ocean whales live.
  5. In those terms the director spoke.
  6. He is very comfortable in his chair.
  7. She had studied design graphic.
  8. This sport took place in a quadrilateral but my mother hated it.
  9. The army he prepared for the attack.
  10. The man had to act interpreter.
  11. The singer got angry because her microphone it didn't work that time.
  12. That was the skull of the skeleton of the natural science room.
  13. The famous party was all a success.
  14. The compass my grandfather's still works.
  15. I think I'll take a antacid.
  16. My grandparents are not in America, they live in Europe.
  17. If you eat apple, do not remove the shell it is good for your body.
  18. The center of computations yielded new and encouraging results.
  19. That technique gymnastics did not know.
  20. Next year I will visit pyramids Of Egipt.
  21. You better start studying for the exam geometric.
  22. The mathematics they are not my preference.
  23. The teacher asked that we separate each word into syllables.
  24. The number of my house is 514.
  25. The telephone it didn't stop ringing.
  26. The anger seized him.
  27. We already know how to differentiate the different types of angles in a figure geometric.
  28. We will start applying a new didactic in the classroom.
  29. We have selected these images for work practical.
  30. The machine it worked perfectly.
  31. The vessels were of ceramics.
  32. My aunt Elsa lives in Mexico.
  • More in: Words esdrújulas without accent


Peripherals (and their Function)
Sentences with temporary connectors