Words that rhyme with "effective"

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Words that rhyme with "effective" - encyclopedia
Words that rhyme with "effective" - encyclopedia


These are some words that rhyme with "effective": vivaz, sighaz, haz, perspicaz, interfaz, biteaz, audaz, tongueaz, enjoyaz, voraz (consonant rhymes), dtor, pastor, maptor, respecttor, ftox, yto, baptismtol, acá, afán, naturtol (assonance rhymes).

Rhyme is the relationship between two words that end phonetically the same. For two words to rhyme, the sounds from their last stressed vowel must match.

Rhymes are literary devices used in poetry, sayings, songs, and odes. They are of two types:

  • Consonant rhymes. All sounds (vowels and consonants) from the last stressed vowel match. In the case of the word "effective", the stressed vowel is A, so its consonant rhyme is performed with words ending in -az. For example: fugaz - chapaz.
  • Assonance rhymes. Only the vowels from the last stressed vowel have to match. The word "effective" has an assonance rhyme with words that match the vowel A, but with other consonants. For example: efficiencyaz - tapar.

Keep in mind that rhymes are a sound relationship between words, so sometimes they will rhyme in a consonant way with "effective" words that are not written with Z but with S, but are pronounced the same (this only happens in some Spanish-speaking countries). For example: atrace, its Tace, maybeace.

  • See also: Words that rhyme

Words that rhyme with "effective" (assonance rhyme)

castorI cleanedtorresurrectedtor

Words that rhyme with "effective" (consonant rhyme)

pull upaceFazpertinaz
cachafazto illuminateacerapaz
captureaceinefficientazgive awayace
demaceto callaceSaltaz
give backacepassion fruitaceaboutaz
findacebe bornaceTomace
its TacedadaceYaz

Poems that rhyme with the word "effective"

  1. At school I am very effective
    Doing homework, a ace!
    But since I saw you I must to confess
    That i can't concentrate
  2. By day I glimpse jacaranda
    That comfort me and bring me peace
    And at night, like a make
    Fly over a star effective
  3. I was hungry voracious
    And to hold back it was not able
    Imitating the bird rapacious
    Was lurking very effective
  4. You are the one that will teach
    To be myself, take off the costume
    For this very effective
    You will look for me and you will fall in love
  5. For a conversation effective
    you don't have to be very tongue-tied
    What really you will need to
    Is to be a person talkative
  • It can help you: Short poems

Sentences with words that rhyme with "effective"

  1. When you will understand that to do the tasks that they give you you are really a person effective?
  2. To hunt you have to be effective like the bird rapacious.
  3. Thomas is more effective in solving the math exercises that Nicholas.
  4. How fallacious it is that you believe be unable if you are so effective!
  5. Better hurry up effective not otherwise you will arrive.
  6. This tape biface not as effective as the one my potatoes.
  7. My sister, very effective, painted the picture in a way perceptive.
  8. In the giant pile baptismal, the priest effective baptized the entire community.
  9. I do not understand how you thought that such cachafaz would become a being effective.
  10. It is possible to browse the Interface using the mode keyboard effective.
  11. My dog voracious devoured his food so effective.
  12. My body is not effective when they force me to dance the waltz.
  13. Never this the rest that your boss name you as the most effective.
  14. It won't work effective get on the roller coaster yes to have fun no you go.
  15. A plan effective we are going to trace to find the peace.
  16. Your advice was effective and the recipe with pineapple it came out spectacular!
  17. A simple resource but effective is to show a bit of eagerness.
  18. Achieving the resemblance to that character will not be entirely effective Unless a costume.
  19. Is the story of a love effective, but extremely fleeting.
  20. The panel solar is an alternative effective to heat the home.

Follow with:

  • Words that rhyme with "shoe"
  • Words that rhyme with "nose"
  • Words that rhyme with "dance"
  • Words that rhyme with "life"

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