Collective nouns of animals

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Collective Nouns Examples Animals
Video: Collective Nouns Examples Animals


Collective nouns are those that refer to a group or set of elements that belong to the same category. For example: shoal, herd, flock.

It is important not to confuse the set of animals with the place they inhabit. For example, a burrow is not the set of rabbits or rodents, but it is the term used to designate your home.

Nor should we confuse collective nouns, also called collective words, with the plural of nouns. For example: herd (group of elephants) is a collective noun but it is in the singular because it designates a single herd. Instead, if we talk about herds, is a collective noun that is also plural because it designates more than one herd.

  • See also: Individual and collective nouns

Examples of collective nouns of animals

  1. Fault. Poultry set.
  2. Bank. Set of fish of different species that swim together.
  3. Flock. Set of birds that present characteristics of similar behavior between them. Also called band.
  4. Litter. Baby animals.
  5. Shoal. Set of fish of the same species that swim in a group.
  6. Swarm. Set of wasps or bees.
  7. Won. Set of animals. These may or may not be of the same species.
  8. Cattery. Set of cats.
  9. Herd. Cattle set
  10. Anthill. Ant colony.
  11. Pack. Set of dogs. It generally refers to hunting dogs.
  12. Majada. Set of sheep or cattle that have wool.
  13. Herd. Set of animals. It is generally used for wild mammals.
  14. Dovecote. Set of pigeons.
  15. Flock. Set of birds
  16. Herd. Set of pigs or wild boars.
  17. Brood. Set of chickens.
  18. Brood: Set of chickens.
  19. Potrada. Set of foals.
  20. Train. Pack animals set
  21. Threw. Set of horses carrying a carriage.
  22. Torada. Set of bulls. It can also be called a herd.
  23. Cow. Set of cows.
  24. Stud. Set of mares.
  25. Yoke. Pair of oxen or mules that are joined by a yoke in order to carry out field work.
  • See also: Sentences with collective nouns

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