Verbs with W

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Learn 250+ Common Verbs in English in 25 Minutes

The verbs They are words that are used to express actions, states, attitudes, conditions, events of nature or existence.

W is one of the last letters of the Latin alphabet and it is a very particular case, since, together with K, it is one of the less frequently used letters in Spanish, although it is widely used in English, and also in some oriental and indigenous languages. For example: wifi, web, watherpole, wasabi, wichí.

The name given to the letter W differs in different countries: it can be called double u, double ve, double ve or even double ve, depending on the region in question.

As the letter W did not exist in Latin, its incorporation into Spanish was by means of the loan, and it is only used in terms from other languages. With regard to pronunciation, depending on the case, it can represent the vowel phoneme / u / or the sequence / gu /.

That is why, although there are words with graphic adaptations admitted by the Royal Spanish Academy and which are included in the dictionaries, they are recent and very few additions. On the other hand, many terms linked to new technologies begin with W, which has increased the frequency of use in Spanish by speakers, regardless of whether they are incorporated in dictionaries or not.

A representative case of this type of loan is that of the terms derived from the WhatsApp messaging service. According to the adaptation criteria corresponding to Spanish, one can speak of “sending a wasap "or directly"wasapear ”.

For example:

  1. frames wasapeó to his friends to confirm the schedule of the meeting on Saturday.
  2. My mom wasapea all the time to know where I am.
  3. While her friends wasappeared, Mariana was doing the practical work of Geography.
  • It can help you: Words with W

Here are the conjugations of the verb wflake for the most frequently used verb tenses in Spanish, which replicates the endings of the verb “spoil”.


PresentSimple past perfect
Your voicewasapeas / wasapeasyou wasaped
He shewasapeawasapeó
You / Youwasapeáis / wasapeanwasapeasteis / wasapearon
They / theywasapeanwasapearon
Imperfect pastSimple future
Your voicewasapeabaswasappear
He shewasapeabawasappear
Wewasappearingwe will beapear
You / Youwasapeabais / wasapeabanwasapearéis / wasapearán
They / theyThey / they wereapeabanwasappear
Simple conditionalPast perfect compound
IwasappearI have beenapeado
Your voicewasappearhave you beenapeado
He shewasappearhas beenapeado
Wewasappearingwe have wasapeado
You / Youwasapearíais / wasapearíahave / have wasapping
They / theythey would be appallingthey have beenapping


PresentImperfect past
Iwasapeewasapeara or wasapease
Your voicewasapeeswasapearas or wasapeases
He shewasapeenwasapeara or wasapease
Welet's gowasapeáremos or wasapeásemos
You / Youwasapeis / wasapeenwasapearais or wasapeaseis / wasapearan or wasapeasen
They / theywasapeenwasapearan or wasapeasen

Follow with:

  • Verbs with V
  • Verbs with U

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