Attributive Adjectives in English

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 11 May 2024
2 Types of Adjectives in English: Attributive and Predicative *Grammar for Kids!*
Video: 2 Types of Adjectives in English: Attributive and Predicative *Grammar for Kids!*


It is said that an adjective is attributive (predicative adjectives) when it is just before the noun.

Example of a non-attributive adjective: This house is big. (This house is big).

In this case, the adjective “big”(Large) is found in the predicate, after the verb. Therefore, it is not an attributive adjective. In other words, the attributive function is opposed to the predicative function.

Example of an attributive adjective: This is a big house. (This is a great house).

It is important to note that what is called in Spanish "attributive verb" is the opposite in English. In Spanish, attributive verbs are those that are linked to the noun by a copulative verb, that is, they belong to the predicate.

Examples of Attributive Adjectives

  1. I have had a strange feeling. (He had a strange feeling.)
  2. We entered a dark room. (We go into a dark room.)
  3. That’s a dangerous sport. (It is a dangerous sport.)
  4. We installed two big windows. (We installed two large windows.)
  5. It was a funny surprise. (It was a fun surprise.)
  6. We walked along the empty park. (We walk across the empty parquet.)
  7. Es una difficult game. (It's a difficult game.)
  8. It was a crazy idea. (It was a crazy idea.)
  9. I have you green eyes. (Has green eyes.)
  10. He’s a terrifying man. (He is a terrifying man.)
  11. The house has yellow walls. (The house has yellow walls)
  12. I wears soft shirts. (Wear soft shirts.)
  13. We walked through the dark forest. (We walk through the dark forest.)
  14. I need some fresh toilet.(I need fresh water.)
  15. She has long dark hair. (He has long black hair.)
  16. I have an astonishing memory. (He has an amazing memory.)
  17. Thank you for the delicious meal. (Thanks for the delicious food.)
  18. We chose a narrow path. (We chose a narrow path.)
  19. I like French music. (I like French music.)
  20. He makes a lot of annoying questions. (Asks many annoying questions.)
  21. We are starting a shorts trip. (We are starting a short journey.)
  22. Can you think of a better solution? (Can you think of a better solution?)
  23. We need to talk about an important issue. (We need to talk about an important topic.)
  24. You have a very nice house. (You have a very nice home.)
  25. We need a big change. (We need a big change.)
  26. I like to wear long dresses. (I like to wear long dresses.)
  27. He’s a very smart boy. (He is a very intelligent boy.)
  28. Do you think these are good results? (Do you think these are new results?)
  29. I need new shoes. (I need new shoes.)
  30. That’s my favorite movie. (That is my favorite movie.)
  31. Don’t make a hasty decision. (Don't make a hasty decision.)
  32. This is a comfortable chair. (This is a comfortable chair.)
  33. Es una difficult task. (It is a difficult task.)
  34. The tree was full of green leaves. (The tree was full of green leaves.)
  35. She’s an honest woman. (She is an honest woman.)
  36. He’s speaks to strange language. (He speaks a strange language.)
  37. He’s always telling funny stories. (He always tells funny stories.)
  38. This is a very old city. (This is a very old city.)
  39. I have to make an urgent call. (I have to make an urgent call.)
  40. That’s a ridiculous lie. (It's a ridiculous lie.)
  41. Do you have a big bag. (Do you have a big bag?)
  42. He’s a tall man. (He is a tall man.)
  43. That’s the correct answer. (It is the correct answer.)
  44. Throw away all the broken toys. (Discard all broken toys.)
  45. He’s a persistent man. (He is a persistent man.)
  46. I got a new app. (I got a new app.)
  47. It’s still easy game. (It's an easy game.)
  48. We take care of small children. (We take care of young children.)
  49. Es una beautiful song. (It is a beautiful song.)
  50. I like the net couch. (I like the red sofa.)

Other adjectives in English

In English, adjectives They do not vary in gender or number, and can be of different types:

  • Qualifiers: describe characteristics of the noun. Examples: happy (happy), dry (dry), small (small).
  • Demonstrative: indicate the location and relationship with the noun. Examples: this (this), that (that).
  • Distributive: they refer to the frequency or particularity of a phenomenon or object. For example: each (each), every (all)
  • Quantity: they indicate the amount in which the noun exists. For example: some (some), Little (little), few (few).
  • Interrogatives: They are used to ask questions: Which? (Which?), What? (What?)
  • Possessive: they indicate a relationship of ownership or belonging. For example: my (mi), your (tu), his (de él.)
  • Gentile: they indicate the place of origin and are capitalized. For example: French (French), Australian (Australian.)
  • Numerals: they indicate specific quantities and positions in a series: first (first), one (one), half (half).
  • It can serve you: Examples of Sentences with Adjectives in English

Andrea is a language teacher, and on her Instagram account she offers private lessons by video call so that you can learn to speak English.

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