Sentences with "about"

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 17 May 2024
📚  Чернышевский. Про что "Что делать?". Анализ романа, лекция | Русская литература 19 века
Video: 📚 Чернышевский. Про что "Что делать?". Анализ романа, лекция | Русская литература 19 века


The preposition "on" it is used as a synonym for "above" and to indicate subject, approximation with numbers, priority and superiority. For example: There is a new book on the evolution of technology. / The book is on table.

Prepositions are links that relate the different elements of a sentence and are used to indicate origin, provenance, direction, destination, means, reason or possession.

Like all prepositions, "on" is invariable (that is, it has no gender or number).

Examples of sentences with the preposition "on"

  1. There were different opinions in the debate on possible solutions for climate change.
  2. The cat is sleeping on the couch.
  3. Yesterday i saw a documentary on Asian food.
  4. The sauce is on the shelves that are on the refrigerator.
  5. Mount Everest is 8848 meters high on the sea level.
  6. They reached the birthday on three in the afternoon.
  7. On tv there is a talk on ancient cultures.
  8. Maria chatted with her friends on the changes you wanted to make in your life.
  9. The plane flew on the city.
  10. The scientist was researching until very late, because he wanted to know more on the new method.
  11. In some countries curry is served on rice, in others these two are served separately.
  12. They didn't tell us anything on the trip because they were in a rush.
  13. The local volleyball team has a lot of advantage on the other teams.
  14. Walter and Santiago decided to take the path that went through the forest, since they did not want to walk with the sun on they.
  15. The bird landed on a branch.
  16. Thanks to her new job, Graciela could save on two thousand pesos per month.
  17. The comedian made jokes on everyday life.
  18. Neighbors chatted on the arrangements that had to be made in the building.
  19. The father gave them advice on life to their children.
  20. People who sign up first will have priority on the others.
  21. We have to learn more on recycling, if we want to pollute our planet less.
  22. The candidates spoke on the measures they would implement if elected.
  23. It won't be easy, but you can build your house on the sand.
  24. Ana preferred vanilla ice cream on everyone else.
  25. In the military hierarchy the rank of general is on the officer.
  26. The singer answered all the questions on his new album.
  27. Inés visited the product's website for more information on the.
  28. You have to put some wet earth on the seed so that the plant grows well.
  29. There were some technical problems in the cinema, so the show started a little later, on six o'clock.
  30. Pedro decided to rent the room that is on your garage, to earn a little more money.
  • More examples in: Sentences with prepositions

The prepositions are:


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