
Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What are affixes? | Reading | Khan Academy
Video: What are affixes? | Reading | Khan Academy


The affixes they are particles that are attached to a word (or to the root of a word) and form derived words, changing the meaning of the word to which they are attached. For example: to-morph (that has no form), movies-philia (love of cinema).

Depending on their location with respect to the word they can be:

Prefixes. Morphemes that precede the root of the word.

    • Derivative prefixes. They form a word of different meaning. For example: antivirus.
    • Inflectional prefixes. They express another grammatical category (they do not exist in Spanish).

Suffixes. Morphemes that are added after the root of the word.

    • Diminutives. They indicate smallness or affective proximity. For example: kidillo
    • Augmentatives. They indicate amazement or an exaggerated characteristic. For example: goalazo.
    • Derogatory Pejoratively degrade the word they modify. For example: alleyuela.

Infixes. They are inserted inside the root of the word. They do not exist in Spanish.

  • See also: Prefixes and suffixes

Examples of prefixes

  1. Ana. Denial or absence of something.

For example: tonormal, analphabet, tocephalus, tomorpho.

  1. Anti: Opposition or contradiction.

For example: antiIt is not mine,antiSemite, antibiotic,anticlerical, antidoto, antipruning.

  1. Audi: That has sound.

For example: audiovisual, auditive, audiphone.

  1. Car: Own, towards himself or by himself.

For example: carnome, cardidact, caraccommodating, carcritical, carmobile, carBush, cardestructive.

  1. Bi: Double or two.

For example: bibike, binario, bidirectional, bisexual, bipolar, great-grandmother, great-grandfather, bifurcation.

  1. Co: Participation or union.

For example:coAuthor, cooperate, covalent, coadjuvant.

  1. De, say, give, dis: Withdrawal, inversion of a meaning, excess, negation, decrease or absence.

For example: desorder, discontinuous, discordia, fromincrease, desbelieve, dislocar.

  1. Hemi: Half.

For example: hemistichio, hemisphere, hemicycle, hemiplejia.

  1. Hiccup: That is below or in an insufficient quantity.

For example: hiccuptherm, hiccupthyroidism, hiccupcrita, hiccuptension, hiccupfield.

  1. I, in, im: Opposite or opposite.

For example: inmortal, imbidder, iluse, improbable, inmoral, inborn, ingenuo, ilegible, inmissing, ilegal, inadapted, instable, insensible, insound, inbearable, inmanageable.

  1. Intro, Intra: Into or into something.

For example: introspill, intrawalls, intromission, introduction.

  1. Goal: After, beyond or next to.

For example: goalphysical, goalr story, goalfora, goalmorphosis, goalcenter.

  1. Mega: Very big.

For example: megaphone, megastore, megalosaurus, megaloblast.

  1. Micro: Very small or small.

For example: microbio, micror story, microwaves, microscopio, microbus

  1. Multi: That has many.

For example: multicolour, multimillionaire, multilingue, multiverse, multiracial.

  1. Omni: That encompasses everything.

For example: omnisient, omniPresent, omnivoro.

  1. Pre: Which is previous.

For example: preprovision, prehistory, prejudgment, precourse.

  1. Post or pos: After, after or followed by.

For example: postdata, poswar, postraumatic, posput on, postoperative, posBirth.

  1. Re: That has been repeated.

For example: review, shuffle, rename, reset, reload, re-select, redo, replay.

  1. Without: Lack or deprivation of something or similarity or union.

For example: withoutonym, withoutflavor, simbiosis, withoutapsis.

  1. On: Which is in excess.

For example: onhappen, onexposition, onassess.

  1. Super: Which is above, is superior or is in excess.

For example: supersonic, superman, supermarket, supergifted, superior.

  1. TV: What is distant or far away.

For example:TVmanaged, TVferic, TVphone, TVviewfinder, TVscopio, TVmarketing, TVgraph, TVgrama.

  1. Ultra: That is beyond.

For example: ultrasea, ultrasound, ultraViolet, ultratomb.

Examples of suffixes

  1. Arquia: Forms of government.

For example: monarch, oligarch.

  1. Azo (Augmentative suffix).

For example: friendazo, codazo, baldazo.

  1. Cidium / cida: Action of killing what the root word represents.

For example: insectiacid, genocide, parricide.

  1. Filia: Love or fondness for what the root word represents.

For example: forphilia, zoophilia, Anglophilia, bibliophilia, movie theaterphilia, Frankphilia, timbrophilia.

  1. Ísimo (Superlative suffix).

For example: goodvery, altvery, beautifulvery, rapidvery.

  1. Ism: Doctrine, religion, ideology or current.

For example: cubism, fascism, Cristianism, budism, commonism.

  1. Ito / ita: Small or close.

For example: grandfatherito, momita, dogito, friendita, momentito, heatita, suavecito.

  1. Lodge: Study or science that is dedicated to the subject indicated by the root word.

For example: psycholodge, immunelodge.

  1. Oide (Derogatory suffix).

For example: sentimentaloide, intellectualoide.

  1. Ote / ota (Augmentative suffix).

For example: freeotemanota.

  1. Usco / usca / uzco / uzca (Derogatory suffix).

For example: pedrusco, blackuzca.

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