Law in Everyday Life

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Law for Everyday Life
Video: Law for Everyday Life


The right regulates the behavior of the members of a society. For this reason, although sometimes we cannot perceive it, it is present daily in our daily lives.

The law is defined as the set of legal rules that regulate men's behaviors in a specific social context. This means that what the law designates as legal in one society (a country or state) may be illegal in another society.

The function of law is to avoid chaos, establishing rules that facilitate harmonious coexistence in society. It is based on the principles of justice, security and order.

It can serve you:

  • Examples of Human Rights
  • Examples of Public, Private and Social Law
  • Examples of Law Gaps
  • Examples of Social Norms

Life in society

The human being needs to live in society to survive.

Even if the resources currently exist to be able to live in isolation, at least in the early years of our development and to learn the necessary survival activities, we need a group of individuals. That is why all societies, throughout history, have had a series of more or less formal rules that guarantee the possibility of living in harmony in society.

Each group or individual can govern their behavior by other types of rules, for example those of a moral or religious order. However, the only actions that are punishable by law are those that are explicitly prohibited by legal norms.

Branches of Law

The different branches of law indicate a series of prohibitions, but they are aimed at guaranteeing the rights of all members of the community. The law seeks the difficult balance of granting autonomy to individuals while ensuring the proper functioning of society.

Each country has its own set of legal rules. However, a general organization of law can be noted:

Public Law: Its rules govern the interest of the State, of society as a whole, and the organization of public bodies.

  • Constitutional law: Organizes the form of the State
  • Private international law: Regulates the conflicts of its jurisdiction arising from acts of individuals from one country with another
  • Public international law: Establishes the rights and duties of States
  • Criminal law: Defines the behaviors that are considered crimes and the corresponding sanctions
  • Criminal procedural law: Organizes the courts, their powers and procedures
  • Administrative law: Organizes the public powers
  • Civil procedural law: Organizes the civil courts, their powers, jurisdictions and processes.

Private right: Its rules govern the interests of private individuals.

  • Civil law: Governs the civil relations of individuals, families and property
  • Commercial law: Governs civil relations of a commercial nature
  • Labor law: governs the work activities of individuals, relations between employees and employers

See also:Examples of Public, Private and Social Law

Examples of law in everyday life

  1. At birth, we are registered as citizens. The law determines that from that moment on we have certain rights and obligations.
  2. To the to buy in any trade, the exchange is governed by commercial law.
  3. If the purchases are made in a store that has employees, the employee's work is governed by labor law.
  4. In other words, when buying a newspaper there are also rules defined by commercial and labor law.
  5. The content of the newspaper is also regulated by civil law, which guarantees freedom of expression but also protects privacy.
  6. By enrolling our children in the school We follow civil law regulations.
  7. When using the service telephone, Our interaction with the company that provides the service is governed by commercial law.
  8. To the walk on the public road we are protected by civil law, but also by criminal law.
  9. If we suffer a Stole or an assault punishable by civil or criminal law, we can resort to the Judiciary to punish the guilty.
  10. The trial processes are regulated by procedural law.
  11. The Labor laws determine how many days off each worker has depending on their seniority.
  12. The legal age for drink alcohol changes in each country. While in most countries it is 18 years (Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Mexico, Spain, etc.), in other countries it is 16 years (Austria, Germany, Italy, etc.) and in other countries it can be up to 21 years (United States, Indonesia, etc.)
  13. Public law guarantees access to public health. This means that we can go to a public hospital in case of illness or accident.
  14. Hiring insurance it is governed by commercial law.
  15. If we have a accident With a car that is insured, commercial law intervenes to obtain the insurance money, but also criminal law to make sure that there was no crime and civil law to protect the rights of third parties.
  • Examples of Democracy in Everyday Life
  • Examples of Natural Sciences in Everyday Life
  • Examples of Human Rights
  • Examples of Law Gaps
  • Examples of Legal Norms

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