
Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
¿De dónde viene el voseo?
Video: ¿De dónde viene el voseo?


The voseo is the use of the personal pronoun you instead of you and of certain verb conjugations. For example: You you can go going.

It is a linguistic phenomenon that occurs, above all, in Argentina and to a lesser extent in Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile and Uruguay.

Although there is a type of reverential voseo used to refer to people of higher hierarchy, the most frequent use is that used between people with a certain level of trust.

  • It can help you: Vices of diction

Types of voseo

American-type dialectal voseo.It is used to refer to a person with whom you have a relationship of affection or closeness, and affects both the verb and the pronouns.

  • Pronominal voseus. It is used to refer to the second person singular. In this type of voseo the you or you for him you. For example: It is possible that you do not understand. / What did i do to you? / I always think of you. / It is as attractive as you.
  • Verbal voseo. It is used by modifying some verb conjugations in the second person singular. It is used in the present tense and in imperatives. For example:¿You think change some day? (Present) / Recorda that tomorrow is my birthday (imperative)

Reverential voseus.It is used when one person refers to another in the second person singular and does so with a certain reverence or respect. This type of voseo is practically in disuse. For example: You you know what I mean. /TO you that you begged those things.

Examples of pronominal dialectal voseo

  1. With you I have been talking for days.
  2. Every minute that passes I feel closer to you.
  3. Yes you do not sing with us, you will no longer be in the choir.
  4. A hundred times I have to tell you things you.
  5. This afternoon I want you to buy bread and something else to you.
  6. Maria, you and I will go to the movies tomorrow.
  7. How long will they you and Juan in the bookstore?
  8. With perseverance, whatever you ask, (you) you're going to get it.
  9. Again you and I disencounter.
  10. We have you.
  11. You you will know better than me.
  12. Can we go with you in your car?
  13. I cooked what you like best you.
  14. I have a great time when I'm with you.
  15. Something is happening and you you're not telling me.
  16. You You got the idea, I just joined at the last minute.
  17. Juan told me that he wants to go out with you.
  18. We've known each other for a long time and I still don't know anything about you.
  19. My friends asked me for you.
  20. I know well people like you.

Examples of verb dialectal voseo

  1. Any questions, I you warn.
  2. Wait for me, I go with you.
  3. You know very good to my brother and you know that he is incapable of lying.
  4. Tell me the truth: was it your idea?
  5. The train that you take It is 10:30 am.
  6. Tomato This tea is going to do you great.
  7. You have Than take this job more seriously
  8. ¿You can believe that the price of the ticket increased again?
  9. I do not know what you pretend with all this.
  10. You walk every morning in the same park as me.
  11. Tell me what you eat to be so healthy.
  12. Mom, come Quick, Maria hit herself really hard.
  13. We know that you train everyday.
  14. ¿You want take a nap?
  15. ¿You think in life after death?
  16. There are many things that are not you know about me.
  17. I need to ask you how much you win in the new job.
  18. What do you think if you try yoga classes?
  19. Always pay you, today I invite you.
  20. Hurry up that we did not get to the function.
  • Follow with: Yeísmo

Examples of reverential voseo (deprecated)

  1. To you you I appreciate it too much.
  2. When you You treat me that way I would like to dance with happiness.
  3. Your hearts are tender you You will see that everything will work out in the best way.
  4. When you look out the window and see the sunrise,you do you dream your dreams or do you suffer from your nightmares?
  5. Fear not, brave knight, that you you have the key to the hidden truth.
  6. Certain secrets will be revealed to you when it is time for the maiden's departure.
  7. That you whom the King awaits with great esteem.
  8. Distressed you the horsemen return after so many deaths experienced.
  9. Your wishes will be fulfilled for you.
  10. Let your cold cease, there is shelter for you.

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