Names with hiatus

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
China Resumes Online Games Approval Ending Eight Month Hiatus
Video: China Resumes Online Games Approval Ending Eight Month Hiatus


The hiatus is a phenomenon that occurs when a word has two strong vowels united or a weak accented and a strong one. For example: Maestuary (Maria).

A name is a proper noun, that is, a noun that refers to a person, a place, a brand or an institution, and it is always capitalized.

Although it is not very frequent, there are some proper names with hiatus.

  • It can serve you: Words with hiatus

Examples of proper names with hiatus

  1. Abigail. A-bi-ga-il
  2. Aigives. A-í-da
  3. Beatriz. Be-a-triz
  4. Ceaseeo. Caesarean
  5. Giveio. Da-laugh-o
  6. Dulcinea. Dulcinea
  7. Theías. E-lines
  8. He iseo. Elysium
  9. Thei heardsa. E-lo-i-sa
  10. Jael. Ha-he
  11. Joel. Jo-el
  12. Ln. Lion
  13. Seaía. Maria
  14. Nerea. Ne-re-a
  15. Noha. No-ha
  16. Rafael. Ra-fa-el
  17. Rl. Ra-ul
  18. Rocio. Dew
  19. Rosebushía. Ro-sa-li-a
  20. Sl. Sa-úl
  21. Geopage. Ge-or-gi-na

Surname with hiatus

  1. García. Gar-cit-a
  2. Rios. Rivers
  3. Loryza. Lo-ay-za
  4. TeaL di. Te-al-di
  5. Aribau. A-ri-ba-u
  6. Bernabhe. Ber-na-be-ú

Countries and cities with hiatus

  1. Bahaplus. Ba-ha-mas
  2. Corandto. Korea
  3. CrorInc. Croatia. The last syllable contains a diphthong.
  4. Ethiopianía. Ethiopia. The second syllable contains diphthong.
  5. Georgia. Georgia. The last syllable contains a diphthong.
  6. Guinea. Guinea
  7. Israel. Israel
  8. Lyears. Laos
  9. Palyears. Pa-la-os
  10. Sierra Leona. Sierra Leone. The first syllable forms a diphthong.
  11. Turkeyía. Turkey
  • Continue with: Diphthong, tripthong and hiatus

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