Phrases to start a conclusion

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
STOP SAYING IN CONCLUSION - Alternative Advanced English Phrases and Expressions!
Video: STOP SAYING IN CONCLUSION - Alternative Advanced English Phrases and Expressions!


The phrases to start a conclusion are closing sentences and indicate that the text has come to an end with a conclusion, outcome, reflection or final comment regarding what has been mentioned in it.

These must refer to the synthesis of what has been addressed in the text previously or they must approach a conclusion. They also serve to make the reader understand that this explanation ends there.

Only different sentences will be exemplified below to initiate a conclusion. Therefore, no reference will be made to the previous text in each case.

Examples of sentences to start a conclusion

  1. In spite of the ups and downs, the painter managed to finish his artwork on time.
  2. Despite of everything, the clouds filled the sky and the rain flooded the metropolis.
  3. Nowadays this hypothesis is obsolete.
  4. Likewise We agree with the blue team in terms of the goals they have set, but we do not agree with what they say about how to achieve them.
  5. As a consequence of the above In the report, we have to refute the initial hypothesis, affirming that all human beings continue their learning from the moment of birth until the moment before their death, regardless of their age.
  6. Thus, the animals left the region, heading east in a hurry.
  7. In this way, the growth of the company in 2017 is evident.
  8. In this way, statistics show that the country with the highest percentage of university graduates is Germany and France.
  9. SimilarlyWe believe it is important to take into consideration the academic trajectory of each person since our institution distinguishes and evaluates each student individually.
  10. Within the exposed analysis, it is possible to glimpse two great theories strongly rooted. However, we share by experience and conviction the second mentioned in this writing.
  11. In conclusion, we can all make a professional text if we have the right tools for it.
  12. Regarding what was previously addressed, it is possible to indicate some growth in the automotive market.
  13. In this senseWe believe that all human beings have a certain responsibility for global warming.
  14. In particular, Teófilo's position is the one we share and support.
  15. In relation to the above, we can deduce that the pollution of a big city at present is not completely statistically specified and threatens the health of its inhabitants.
  16. As a last resortWe believe that it is important to conclude with a holistic approach to psychology.
  17. This supports the theory mentioned at the beginning of this exposition. with which we not only agree but also verify scientifically.
  18. This indicates that You can specify the projected weather conditions for the following days.
  19. Finally, the movie theater opened and we were able to enter.
  20. Facing the collected evidence, we deduce that the analyzed population has a medium-low level of child malnutrition.
  21. Although By doing this, the scientists were able to guarantee the success of the cancer vaccine. // Although By all accounts, they left for the holidays in the same way.
  22. So, this scientific community is absolutely in favor of the proposal whose objective is to isolate the virus and give a final cure to such disease.
  23. By lastWe will mention teacher XXX who has tried too hard so that the performance of the students is excellent during this school act.
  24. Later, we come to the conclusion that All men are mortal.
  • Follow with: Conclusion examples.

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