Sentences with order connectors

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Connectors "so that" / "in order to" (Part 1)
Video: Connectors "so that" / "in order to" (Part 1)


Theconnectors They are the words or expressions that allow to indicate a relationship between two sentences or statements. The use of connectors favors the reading and comprehension of texts as they provide coherence and cohesion.

There are different types of connectors, which give different meanings to the relationship they establish: of order, of exemplification, of explanation, of cause, of consequence, of addition, of condition, of purpose, of opposition, of sequence, of synthesis and of conclusion.

The order connectors They serve to introduce different parts of the speech in a coherent way, providing a spatial and temporal order.

  • It can serve you: Connectors

Some order connectors are:

ThenSince thenIn conclusion
FromAfterto get started
ThenIn the beginningTo sum up
At firstFirstTo end
First of allSecondlyOn one side
First of allIn sumOn the other hand
Prior toThenOn the other hand
Since thenLaterEspecially

Examples of sentences with order connectors

  1. We are grateful for the speech of Mr. Valdez. Then we will move on to the announcements of the neighborhood organization.
  2. The ship left the harbor heading east. Then he went through a fierce storm that the captain was able to overcome successfully.
  3. The businessmen talked all night to reach an agreement. From That meeting, the situation improved in the company.
  4. The prosecution called the witnesses. From their testimonies, it was possible to build the case and release the detainee.
  5. In my presentation I have said everything I think about "open pit" mining. Then I will give some data on the contamination of said activity.
  6. Students will have to line up every morning. Then and in silence the flag will be raised.
  7. I have had several problems with this TV. At first I did not have a good image and now the sound began to fail.
  8. The man went to play at the casino in town. At first he made a lot of money but soon lost it and left with less than he had before entering.
  9. The chancellor spoke of the disappearance of the young man. First of all He apologized to the family who were looking for the boy.
  10. It is an honor for me to be here with you. First of all I appreciate the invitation to the management of the company for allowing me to address you today in this place.
  11. With Juana we went to visit the ruins of Machu Picchu prior to for her to meet her current boyfriend, Julián.
  12. I want you to take a shower before the
  13. We will present the evidence so that, first of all, the judge knows what kind of criminals they are.
  14. Ms, first of all I apologize that we broke your window with my brother this morning.
  15. The situation was alarming and the commander requested help over the radio before it's too late.
  16. We have all participated with great joy in this marathon. First of all I want to thank my colleagues and friends for their support.
  17. Ramiro got angry with Susana. Since then there is no word again.
  18. The words of Mother Teresa of Calcutta were shocking. Since then the war in the east stopped.
  19. You don't come to my house since you moved.
  20. I've been chasing this dream since was a girl.
  21. Yesterday I arrived very late from work and after After dinner, I fell fast asleep.
  22. I will come to visit you after from school.
  23. To begin, Dr. Felipe Carrizo will speak, after which Dr. Rafael González will take place
  24. We had a very productive business meeting. As soon as to the behavior and opinions of the employees of the administrative area, we will talk this afternoon with the director to take into account their suggestions.
  25. The movie was extraordinary! In the beginning It seemed boring but afterwards it was excellent.
  26. I finally understood multiplication with fractions. In the beginning I admit that I did not understand anything, but later Paola explained to me what the teacher had said and I understood better.
  27. The cards are on the table. First you must deal 3 cards to each player and then start the game.
  28. I have never said that! First She was offended with me and did not speak to me anymore, so I stopped calling her.
  29. We need to organize ourselves as an institution. First we must plan to move the offices to a larger site.
  30. All the arguments were valid. In sum, the authorities will approve our request.
  31. The surveillance days will be 8 hours. In sum, security will be available 24 hours a day.
  32. We will visit Aunt Alicia, then we will have lunch at her house and in the last place we will go to your house.
  33. On Monday I have a gym class at 8 in the morning, then one of yoga and Finally hot stone massages.
  34. Marco and Daniel argued at school. Finally They solved the problem with the help of the teacher.
  35. The footballer trained with impetus and perseverance daily until managed to join his favorite team.
  36. The doctor will attend you first, then to me and later to the man in the blue shirt who is beyond.
  37. To start We have to say that we worked hard to prepare this science exhibition.
  38. For these reasons, we believe it is appropriate to form a new board. In conclusion we will present a video as a summary of what we have said during our speech.
  39. You have to read the rules of the game to get started to play.
  40. to get started we must have all the ingredients on the table ready.
  41. To sum up We will say that the path to improve the health of malnourished children is arduous but we need to get involved.
  42. We hope this exhibition has been of interest. To end We want to thank those present for their attention and silence during this presentation.
  43. The police found the bodies. On the other hand, the accused could not be the murderer as he was not in the country the night of the crime.
  44. By lastIt is important to remember that the sentence will not be final until both parties sign the matter.
  45. On the one hand we have the red team and on the other hand we have the blue team and we still don't know which of the two will win.
  46. On one side, this syndrome that Pablo has has its genetic bases and the other part, he has suffered meningitis then birth, which profoundly complicates his picture.
  47. First, they tried to convince us to buy those sweets, but we didn't want to.
  48. First we have to ask the children to take a seat at their desks and then we will begin to see the documentary.
  49. The actors in the play are excellent. Especially those who were completely unaware of the script.
  50. The families with their children and wives returned to their homes. Then the merchants did it and so on until each citizen resumed their daily activities in the city after the earthquake.

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