Purchase order

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Purchase Order Definition - What is Purchase Order?
Video: Purchase Order Definition - What is Purchase Order?


A purchase order or order note is a type of commercial document issued by a buyer to detail and keep a record of the merchandise requested from a specific supplier. Usually an original is made, which is sent to the supplier of the desired goods or services, and a copy that remains in the buyer's files.

The usual content of a purchase order generally includes the following information:

  • Name and tax identification of the buyer.
  • Name and tax identification of the seller.
  • Place and date of issue.
  • Description and amount of the purchase.
  • Fixed price and payment method.
  • Delivery time.
  • Other elements that are considered necessary.

Purchase order examples

  1. PURCHASE ORDER # 0001

Provider: Macondo Timber Company.
Home: Av. Independencia, 1903. Macondo, Colombia.
Telephone: 4560-3277
Attention: Mr. Gabriel García

Purchase description: Butterfly-shaped wooden tables.
Quantity: 100 units.
Unit price: 300 pesos.
Total price: 30,000 pesos (+ VAT 9%).
Total to pay: 32,700 pesos.
Delivery time: 30 days.

Authorized by: Pedro Paramo
Comala Furniture Store

[signature and date of issue]

  1. PURCHASE ORDER # 1234

Serve this as proof of purchase to [supplier's name], domiciled at [supplier's address] and registered under the tax number [supplier's tax identification], of the following items:

[Description of the purchase] [Quantity of the purchase] [Unit price] [Breakdown of the total to be paid with taxes and / or payment conditions]

Which must be delivered to [buyer's name], domiciled at [buyer's fiscal address] and with tax registration [buyer's fiscal identification], in a period of no less than [stipulated delivery time].

Order issued in [place] on [date of issue] and in full agreement of the parties.

[authorized buyer and seller signatures]

Purchase Order Models

Model 1:

Model 2:

Model 3:

Our Advice

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