Nahuatl words (and their meaning)

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 1 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Speak Nahuatl -- basic words
Video: How To Speak Nahuatl -- basic words


Náhuatl is a language that emerged in the 5th century in Mexico and, in a short time, became a commercial language among the locals. The Nahuatl word means "Soft and sweet tongue”.

Today this language is spoken by more than a million and a half Mexicans.

Nouns in Nahuatl

People (tlacatl)

  • cihuatl: wife
  • cihuatl: woman
  • colli: old man, grandfather
  • cone: son
  • conetl: child

Family (cenyeliztli)

  • ichpochtli: girl, young lady, miss
  • icniuhtli: friend
  • icniuhtli: brother
  • icnotl: orphan ilamatl: old woman, grandmother
  • nantli: mother, mother
  • oquichtli: man, male
  • piltzintli: baby
  • pochtecatl: merchant
  • tahtli: father, dad
  • tecuiloni: homosexual man
  • telpochtli: boy, young man
  • temachtiani: teacher, teacher
  • temachtilli: student, apprentice
  • tenamictli: husband
  • tlacah: people
  • tlahtoani: ruler
  • tlamatini: sage, scholar (person)
  • xocoyotl: younger brother

Body (nacayotl)

  • ahuacatl: testicle
  • camalotl: mouth
  • nacatl: meat
  • cuaitl: head
  • cuitlapantli: back
  • elpantli: chest
  • icxitl: foot
  • ixpolotl: eye
  • ixtli: forehead, face
  • iztetl: nail
  • maitl: hand
  • mapilli: finger
  • mapilli: finger
  • metztli: leg
  • molictli: elbow ahcolli: shoulder // arm
  • nenepilli: tongue (muscle)
  • piochtli: piocha
  • quecholli: neck
  • tentli: lips
  • tepilli: vagina
  • tepolli: penis
  • tzintamalli: buttock
  • tzontecomatl: head
  • xopilli: toe

Animals (yolcame)

  • axno: donkey
  • axolotl: axolotl
  • azcatl: ant
  • cahuayo: horse
  • chapolin: chapulín
  • coatl: snake
  • copitl: firefly
  • coyotl: coyote
  • cuacue: res
  • cuanacatl: rooster
  • cuauhtli: eagle
  • cueyatl: frog
  • epatl: skunk
  • huexolotl: turkey
  • huilotl: dove
  • huitzitzilin: hummingbird
  • ichcatl: sheep
  • itzcuintli: dog
  • mayatl: mayate
  • michin: fish
  • miztli: puma
  • miztontli: cat
  • moyotl: mosquito
  • ozomatli: monkey
  • papalotl: butterfly
  • pinacatl: pinacate
  • piotl: chick
  • pitzotl: pork
  • poloco: donkey

Plants (xihuitl)

  • ahuehuetl: agüegüete
  • cuahuitl: tree
  • malinalli: crooked grass
  • metl: maguey, pita
  • qulitl: quelite

Food (tlacualli)

  • acatl: reed
  • ahuacatl: avocado iztatl: salt
  • atolli: atole
  • cacahuatl: peanut
  • centli: corn
  • chilli: chile
  • cuaxilotl: banana
  • etl: bean
  • lalax: orange
  • molli: mole // stew
  • nacatl: meat
  • nanacatl: fungus
  • pinolli: pinole
  • pozolatl: pozole
  • tamalli: tamale
  • texocotl: tejocote
  • tlaxcalli: tortilla
  • tzopelic: sweet

Frequent expressions in Nahuatl

  • kema: yes
  • I love: no
  • Ken tika ?: how are you?
  • ¿Quen motoka ?: (what's your name?) What's your name?
  • ¿Kampa mochan ?: (where is your house?) Where do you live?
  • ¿Kexqui xiuitl tikpia ?: How old are you?
  • ne notoka: "my name is" "my name is"
  • nochan ompa: "my house is in" or "I live in"
  • nimitstlatlauki: (I'm asking you) please
  • nimitstlatlaukilia: (I ask you) please
  • tlasojkamati: thank you
  • senka tlasojkamati: thank you very much

Frequent words in Nahuatl

  • Esquite: corn snack
  • cuddle: soften something with the fingertips
  • avocado: means testicle. The name avocado to refer to the fruit also known as avocado takes this name because of its resemblance to a testicle.
  • chocolate: cocoa mass, butter and sugar
  • comal: it is the pan where corn tortillas are cooked
  • friend: twin or friend
  • jícara: vessel made with pumpkin. they are used to drink pozol or tejate
  • wey: which means great, honorable and revered. Many compare this term with "ox".
  • Straw. It's a dry hollow stem
  • Tianguis: Market
  • Tomato. fat water
  • Kite: butterfly
  • Corn: Corn on the cob
  • Guacamole: Salsa
  • Chewing gum: Chewing gum
  • Mitote: Dance
  • Tlapareía: Site where work and painting tools are for sale

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