
Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Population Ecology: The Texas Mosquito Mystery - Crash Course Ecology #2
Video: Population Ecology: The Texas Mosquito Mystery - Crash Course Ecology #2


It is understood by population to a group of people, animals or things that share similar characteristics to each other and different in relation to other populations. The term is used in the field of statistics and is used to carry out anthropological, sociological, market research, advertising studies.

A population can share some of the following characteristics:

  • Weather. Given that the characteristics (what a population values, likes or admires or, on the contrary, rejects) are traversed by the variable of time (and the values ​​change and are modified), a population is in the same historical or specific time.
  • Space. Every population must have a delimited space.
  • Age or gender. A population can be comprised of an age range or a common gender.
  • Likes / preferences. Certain populations can be delimited by their common preferences.

Characteristics of all populations

There are two conditions for a population to be named as such. These are:

  • Homogeneity. Every population must inevitably share characteristics of similarity among its members. For example: Different applicants for a job are a population, who share the intention of applying for that position but who have different characteristics (age, gender, training, nationality, etc.).
  • Heterogeneity. A given population must be heterogeneous in relation to another population. For example: People of Chinese origin living in the United States are similar to each other but different from other populations.

Sample from a population

In statistical terms, the sample of a population is used as representative of its total. In this way, it follows that if certain characteristics are present in a portion of the population, then the total must be similar. When the total of a given population is taken, the study is called a census.

100 Examples of Populations

  1. The people of Peru
  2. African female cougars
  3. Students, both sexes between 14 and 17 years old, who live in Barcelona.
  4. Children born in Buenos Aires, under 4 years old.
  5. Entrepreneurs sharing a plane for business purposes.
  6. The population of bacteria within a patient
  7. Frogs that share the same habitat
  8. Single mothers with a child between 3 and 5 years old who live in Madrid.
  9. The workers of a certain factory.
  10. Women who have given birth in a public hospital between 1980 and 1983
  11. The shoes made by Nike.
  12. Children in rural schools in a given country who are between the ages of 4 and 7 and have symptoms of malnutrition.
  13. Dogs that have been diagnosed with parvovirus within a given city.
  14. Multinational companies that decide to expand their market and try to enter their products in India.
  15. Men with completed high school, without children, aged 18 to 25 who spend their free time playing soccer
  16. People who have been bitten by a street dog in the city of Saint Petersburg between July 2015 and May 2016.
  17. Boca Juniors club fans under 35 years old.
  18. Shoppers in a supermarket on Saturday April 7, 2018.
  19. The birds that are in a square.
  20. The employees of a shopping mall.
  21. Patients admitted to private clinics between January 2014 and January 2015 with pictures of gastroenteritis.
  22. The worker bees of a particular hive
  23. The unemployed citizens of a certain city.
  24. The judges of a nation.
  25. The surviving soldiers who served in the Vietnam War.
  26. The inactive population of religious members in a given community for a specific religion.
  27. Birds that inhabit swampy areas.
  28. The population of hummingbirds in the city of Quito.
  29. The albino children of the world
  30. Professional basketball players
  31. Adults with motor and intellectual disabilities who have completed their primary education.
  32. Men and women between 35 and 50 years old who have completed postgraduate studies in Spain.
  33. Graduates of a certain university during the year 2007.
  34. Retired personnel (retirees) of the navy of a certain country in the last 20 years.
  35. People who currently live in the city of Tokyo and have more than 3 children.
  36. Men between 50 and 60 years old with diagnosed prostate problems.
  37. The pigs of a certain pigpen.
  38. Homeless people on the streets of South Africa.
  39. Final year students from industrial schools in Uruguay, Chile, Peru and Argentina.
  40. People who have ever won a prize in a raffle
  41. Men and women from 40 to 55 years old who have ever made a purchase online.
  42. The hermitages that are in a house (cabin)
  43. The ants inside a certain anthill.
  44. Female dolphins between 2 and 6 years old that live in the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Black Sea and the Persian Gulf.
  45. Deaf-mute people who can teach sign language over the age of 18 around the world
  46. Jellyfish on a certain beach during a specific period.
  47. The workers who build a certain skyscraper building.
  48. Firefighters aged 30 to 65 from Cape Town.
  49. Members of a large family.
  50. Trees of a certain species that are cut down for the construction of furniture
  51. Patients diagnosed with HIV between 1990 and 2010.
  52. People suffering from cancer and undergoing chemotherapy treatment in France.
  53. Children suffering from Toulouse syndrome.
  54. People who share the same health insurance company.
  55. Passengers of flight 2521 from Caracas to Bogotá on Friday, May 4, 2018
  56. Blind people or people with reduced vision due to congenital pathologies.
  57. People who have been bitten and infected by the dengue mosquito between 1999 and 2009
  58. People who have suffered from intestinal diseases during the months of August 2013 to February 2014 in Chile.
  59. Men and women over 30 who live with their parents in Berlin.
  60. People diagnosed with developmental dyslexia who live in Bolivia and have ongoing university studies.
  61. Patients who were treated in hospitals in Honduras during the year 2017.
  62. People killed during the fire of a certain disco.
  63. Scavenger mammals that live in the Congo jungle.
  64. Children who were born with Down syndrome during a given year.
  65. Aviation students from a specific academy in Guatemala.
  66. Men and women between 20 and 35 years married less than 5 years without children.
  67. Smokers who only consume "x" mark.
  68. People who buy clothing in a certain store and of a specific brand during the months of December to March.
  69. People who live with pets in New York City.
  70. Children who have been bullied in the past year
  71. Retirees who live in Brazil and who receive a minimum salary.
  72. Housewives with children between the ages of 3 and 11 living in Canada.
  73. People who have gambled money at casinos in Las Vegas during the last weekend.
  74. Python snake that inhabits South Asia.
  75. People who have bought Great Dane dogs in breeders during the last winter holidays in Montevideo, Uruguay.
  76. Patients who have been hospitalized for touching poison frogs.
  77. Flea population found on a dog.
  78. People who have consumed alcohol in the last 36 hours, over 18 years old in the city of Beijing.
  79. Terminally ill patients
  80. People who have visited Disneyland Paris last weekend.
  81. Patients who have consumed products or natural remedies for bronchial diseases in the last 5 years in South America.
  82. Monarch butterflies found in Canada and the United States.
  83. Children who are playing in a certain park on a specific day between 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
  84. Students studying architecture at the University of Buenos Aires with less than 5 subjects missing for graduation.
  85. Tourist population that has vacationed in Florida during the month of August of the year 2017
  86. Gynecologists who practice their profession in Germany and Brazil.
  87. Women between 30 and 45 years old, single, independent and with complete university studies.
  88. People from all over the world who traveled to witness the 1998 world cup final in France.
  89. People over 75 years of age who have seen the series “I love Lucy” in the last month.
  90. Stars that are within the same milky way.
  91. Rat population in a given city.
  92. Current population of rabbits on a farm.
  93. Readers who have read or more books in the last year.
  94. University students who attend the gym at least 2 times a week and who live in the city of Bogotá.
  95. Allergic people who regularly use pain relievers for
  96. Divorced men who smoke at least 2 cigarettes per day.
  97. People who chew gum over 40 years old.
  98. Nurses who went on strike at public hospitals in Tokyo in the past month.
  99. University teachers of technical careers in the city of Seoul, South Korea.
  100. Children between 5 and 17 years old who attend community kitchens in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina during the years 2016 and 2017.

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