
Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: ПРИСТАВКИ в английском / PREFIXES


Theprefixes are those grammatical elements that are placed in front of a word and modify its meaning. Eg automobile, discontinuous, immoral, hemisphere.

The prefix word is made up of two parts: pre, which means "before" and permanent, which means "fix". Prefixes differ fromsuffixes, which refer precisely to those grammatical elements that are put in the end of a word and that also modify its meaning.

Both prefixes and suffixes they lack autonomy, that is, they are not used alone, but are always linked to a word.

The word "prefix" is also used to refer to the number that must be entered before dialing a telephone that is in another area or country. For example, to make an international call to Argentina, you should dial “+54”, which is the prefix for Argentina.

See also:

  • Examples of suffixes
  • Examples of prefixes and suffixes

Examples of prefixes

Some of the many prefixes that exist in the Spanish language will be listed below with examples, for your better understanding:

  1. Bi.Indicates something "twice" or "twice." For example: bicycle, binary, two-way, bisexual.
  2. Ana. Denial or deprivation of something is noted. For example:anomie, illiterate, headless, amorphous.
  3. Anti.It signals disappointment or opposition. For example:antinomy, antisemitic, anticlerical, antidote, antipode.
  4. De, say, give, dis. They indicate withdrawal, inversion of a meaning, excess, denial, decrease or deprivation. For example: discontinuous, discord, decrease, disbelieve, dislocate.
  5. Hemi.Point to "half of something." For example: hemistich, hemisphere, hemicycle, hemiplegia.
  6. TV.Denotes distance or distance. For example: remote control, cable car, telephone, television, telescope, telemarketing, telegraph, telegram.
  7. Enter, Intra.It indicates that it is "inward" or within something. For example: introvert, intramural, meddling, introduction.
  8. Without.It indicates lack or deprivation of something, also similarity or union. For example: synonym, taste, symbiosis, synapse.
  9. Co.It indicates participation or union. For example: co-author, cooperate, covalent, coadjuvant.
  10. Ultra.It is pointed out that something is "beyond". For example: ultramarine, ultrasound, ultraviolet, beyond the grave.
  11. Re.It indicates that something has been repeated. For example: review, revolve, rename, reset, reload, reelect.
  12. Super. It indicates that something "is over," is over, or is in excess. For example: supersonic, superman, supermarket, gifted, superior.
  13. Hiccup.Indicates that something is below or that it is scarce. For example: hypothermia, hypothyroidism, hypocritical, hypotension, hippocampus, hippocratic.
  14. Car.He points out that it is "of oneselfor "by oneself". For example: autonomous, self-taught, self-indulgent, self-critical, automobile, automaton, self-destructive.
  15. I, in, im. It expresses the reverse meaning of a term or the negation of something. For example: immortal, impostor, delusional, improbable, immoral, innate, naive, illegible, infallible, illegal.
  16. Pre. indicates priority, prior to, prior or before. For example: prenatal, preregistration.
  17. Kilo. It refers to the number one thousand that is symbolized by the letter "K". For example:kilometer, kilogram
  18. Geo. Indicates that something is pertaining to or relative to Earth. For example:geology, geography, geocentric.
  19. Infra. It means below or below. For example:infrastructure, infrared
  20. Intra. It means to be inside something else or insideFor example:intracellular, intrauterine.
  21. Semi. Used to indicate"Sintermediate situation ”,“ almost ”or“ half of something ”. For example:semicircle (half a circle).
  22. Vice. It means "instead of", "instead of" or "that acts as". You can also indicate "substitute" or "representative". For example:vice-presidency, deputy director.
  23. Neuro. It means nerve or neuron, fundamental cell of the nervous system. It is a prefix widely used in medicine as it refers to the brain and the entire nervous system. For example:neurosciences, neurotransmitter, neurosis.
  24. Tri. Indicates the amount of three (3), therefore, compound words that contain this prefix refer to something the number 3 is related to. For example:trident.
  25. Tetra. It means four or square. It is a prefix widely used in geometry. For example:tetrahedron, tetracampeón.
  26. Audi. To indicate that something has a sound, this prefix is ​​used. For example: audiovisual, auditory, hearing aid.
  27. Post or pos.It is used to express "after", "after" or "followed by". For example: postscript, postwar, posttraumatic, postpone, postoperative, postpartum.
  28. Goal.It is used to indicate that something is "after", "beyond" or "next to". For example: metaphysics, meta-story, metaphor, metamorphosis, metacenter.
  29. Per.Indicates the intensity of something or, as indicative of "through." That is why it is used in cases such as the following: endure, perpetuate, persevere, remain, belong.
  30. Micro.It expresses that something is very small or small, as in the following cases: microbe, micro-story, microwave, microscope, microbus.

See more examples in:

  • Prefixes and their meanings

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