Verbal Series

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 10 May 2024
Series Shortcut Trick, Part-1 - Kuber Adhikari || Teach For Nepali
Video: Series Shortcut Trick, Part-1 - Kuber Adhikari || Teach For Nepali


A verbal series It is a set of words that are related to each other because they belong to the same semantic field, that is, they share close meanings, associated with the same idea.

The relationship between these words can be of a different nature: synonymy, antonymy, cohyponymy, meronymy, etc. That is why the verbal series can also occur not only between single words but also between pairs of words.

Verbal series serve to develop the ability to analyze, understand the difference between similar terms (from the same semantic field) but different, or find the most appropriate word within a variety of words with the same or similar meaning (synonyms).

Verbal series are used mainly to train and evaluate different reasoning abilities that allow us to understand the relationships between terms and concepts.

  • See also: Verbs

Examples of verb series

  1. Decomposed, broken, battered, rickety (synonymic relationship)
  2. Passivity / activity, restraint / incontinence, prudence / daring, loyalty / betrayal (pairs of antonyms)
  3. Plane, car, truck, ship, bicycle, train (semantic field means of transport)
  4. Tiny, small, medium, large, huge (sequence associated with the semantic field size)
  5. Homeless, needy, beggar, unfortunate, helpless (synonymic relationship)
  6. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday (semantic field days of the week)
  7. Fall back, retreat, flee, return, retreat (synonymic relationship)
  8. Mother / father, brother / sister, cook / cook, lawyer / lawyer (female-male pairs)
  9. Purify, purify, purge, sanitize (synonymic relationship)
  10. Detail, detail, specify, clarify, specify (synonymic relationship)
  11. Spring, summer, autumn, winter (seasons of the year semantic field)
  12. Baby, child, youth, adult, elderly (sequence associated with age semantic field)
  13. Triangle, square, rectangle, parallelogram, octagon, circumference, trapezoid (semantic field of geometric figures)
  14. Doctor / hospital, teacher / school, vendor / shop, stylist / hairdresser (pairs related by subject and place of activity)
  15. Attack, lunge, lunge, lunge, assault, offense (synonymic relationship)
  16. Sunrise, morning, noon, afternoon, dusk, night (sequence associated with the semantic field moments of the day)
  17. Two, three, five, seven, eleven, thirteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty-three (sequence associated with the prime number semantic field)
  18. Sympathy, attractiveness, charm, grace, cordiality (synonymous relationship)
  19. Santa Cruz, Jujuy, Salta, San Luis, Mendoza, Neuquén, Río Negro (semantic field of Argentine provinces)
  20. Tall / short, wide / narrow, fast / slow, friendly / unfriendly (antonym pair series)
  21. Shoal, herd, swarm, herd, pack, herd (animal collective series)
  22. Crestfallen, melancholic, sad, dejected, distressed (series with synonymic relationship)
  23. Republic / president, monarchy / king, dictatorship / dictator (series of pairs related by political regime and head of state)
  24. Beautiful, beautiful, pretty, cute, graceful (series with synonymic relationship)
  25. Producer, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore (succession of types of animals according to their diet)
  26. Trickster, cheater, con man, trickster, phony (synonymic relationship)
  27. Phycomycetes, ascomycetes, yeasts, truffles, morels (series associated with the semantic field types of fungi)
  28. Towards here / from here, to the left / to the right, high / low (series of pairs of opposites)
  29. Talk / chat, offer / provide, lead / guide, teach / educate (series of pairs of synonyms)
  30. Light / photosynthesis; food / digestion; air / respiration (series of pairs related by the resource and its use in organisms)
  31. Investigate, seek, explore, find out, inspect (synonymic relationship)
  32. Dove / peace; Balance justice; chains / dependency; book / knowledge (pairs related by symbols and what they mean)
  33. Clandestine, secret, hidden, furtive, covert (series with synonymic relationship)
  34. Writer / book; chemical / drug; bricklayer / house (series of pairs formed by the subject and what he produces)
  35. Truth lie; effort / laziness; Sunrise Sunset; prohibited / allowed (series of antonym pairs)

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