Total synonyms

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Total | Synonyms [ 4 ] | Synonyms of Total | Similar words of Total |  Vocabulary | English Words
Video: Total | Synonyms [ 4 ] | Synonyms of Total | Similar words of Total | Vocabulary | English Words


The total synonyms are those where one word maintains its meaning with another, regardless of the context in which they are used. So when one word can be replaced by another without taking into account the rest of the sentence or context, we are referring to words with full synonyms.

The total synonyms they are generally used so that in a sentence, the same word is not repeated more than once since this would be aesthetically incorrect.

It can serve you:

  • Examples of synonyms
  • Sentences with synonyms.

Words that depend on the social context

It is important to remember that some words can act as full or partial synonyms depending on the community to which the speaker belongs. For example: the word car Y car are total synonyms in some communities, while in others they are partial synonyms. Consequently, we must take into account the context not only of the statement where synonyms are used, but also the social context in which those synonyms are used.

  • See also: Partial Synonyms.

Examples of total synonyms

Alphabet - AlphabetHonesty - honesty
Affection - darlingHollow - hole
Ambition - greedImagine - fantasize
Love - darlingIndividual - human being
Appreciated - DearInopia - poverty
Automobile - carThief - criminal
Dance - dancePlain - plain
Mud - mudInsanity - dementia
Bicycle - cycleLong-lived - old man
Beautiful - beautifulMarauder - thief
Trash can - trash canHusband
Footwear - shoeMotorcycle - motorbike
House HomeChild - infant
Mobile phoneLittle boy
BoyObedience - compliance
Summit - SummitGift - gift
Car - automobileBird - bird
Greedy - ambitiousPotato - potato
Computer - computerHair
Answer - answerThink - reflect
Growth - developmentDaily newspaper
Weak - fragileDog - can
Bliss - happinessBattery
Fun - entertainmentGround floor
Elevation - altitudeAsk - Interrogate
Emulate - imitateRefrigerator - fridge
Disease - conditionKing - monarch
Get angry - get angryWealth - opulence
Write - composeSage - scholar
SchoolSandwich - sandwich
Student - studentSir - man
Famished - hungryLady - lady
HappySoftness - delicacy
Firmness - FortitudeSubject - person
Fat obeseSad - sorry
Large - hugeSadness - grief
Man - gentlemanFast - fast
  • See also: Sentences with full and partial synonyms.

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