Pretty verbs

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Irregular Verbs Song  1 The most beautiful one ..
Video: Irregular Verbs Song 1 The most beautiful one ..


The verbs are those words that indicate the action carried out by the subject (or subjects) within a certain sentence.

They are considered "pretty verbs"to those that have a positive connotation since they convey an optimistic message or a feeling of beauty (although they are subjective terms, since not all people like the same things). For example: love, accompany, give.

It can serve you:

  • Verbs
  • Sentences with verbs

Examples of pretty verbs

A series of verbs are listed below that, in most cases, can be perceived as positive actions, and they are the following:

WantGive away
to loveTo appreciate
SmileTo protect
Look afterSmile

Examples of sentences with beautiful verbs

  1. My mother loves help to those most in need, that is why he is always in church, even when there is no mass.
  2. I I want very much to my grandparents, I don't know what I would do without them.
  3. It is very important to have a person to whom to love.
  4. In the most difficult times, the best thing you can do for me is accompany.
  5. That girl is very nice; every time I see her she is smiling.
  6. My girlfriend doesn't really like us let's kiss in front of the people.
  7. This weekend it's my turn look after my youngest brother, so I won't be able to attend the party.
  8. Must live Every day like it's the last day of your life
  9. I really like power give something to others, to receive.
  10. The most important thing when it comes to being in a relationship is being able trust in the other person.
  11. I estimate a lot to my high school teachers, I they helped in the most difficult moments of my life.
  12. For Christmas, just I want that me gifts your presence, no expensive things.
  13. Appreciation very much everything you did for me, I don't know what would have happened to me without you.
  14. We understand very good that you are going through a complicated situation, and that is why we want assist you in everything you need.
  15. My parents always try protect meThat's why they don't let me do a lot of things that people my age do.
  16. Last night i dreamed that we were traveling to France and had a great time.
  17. Pato is a very funny person; always makes me laugh with all his jokes.
  18. I would love to accompany you To the doctor tomorrow, but I have to work late.
  19. I will miss a lot right now, I can't believe you have to move to that city.
  20. I would love for us to share more moments together, pity that now I am so adjusted with the times.

Follow with:

Copulative verbsAction verbs
Attributive verbsState verbs
Auxiliary verbsDefective verbs
Transitive verbsDerived verbs
Pronominal verbsImpersonal verbs
Quasi-reflex verbsPrimitive verbs
Reflective and defective verbsTransitive and intransitive verbs

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