Derived units

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 22 September 2024
S.I. base units and derived units
Video: S.I. base units and derived units

While the units of measurement are the magnitudes that are established to determine the extent of things that are not quantifiable from the simple 'count of individual units', Derived units are those derived from measurement units, and are applied for somewhat more specific quantities.

A unit of measurement of length (the meter), one of mass (the kilogram), one of time (the second), one of electric current (the ampere), one of temperature (the kelvin), one of quantity of substance ( the mole), and one of light intensity (candela). From these seven it is possible to make a combination that ends up reaching any of the derived units, necessary for the measurement of another class of phenomena. Although they are not the elemental units, they are still very important intensities for humanity: Without derived units, the measurement of force, energy, pressure, power, velocity or acceleration would not be possible.

As in conventional units of measure, derived units also offer the ability to perform conversions between different types. For example, it is common to use the 'Newton' unit of measure to measure the force magnitude, but there is also the 'Dina' unit of measure, under the relationship in which 1 newton equals 100,000 dynes. The same thing happens with the measurement of energy, work and heat: Joules are used in the scientific sphere, but calories are used in everyday life. The relationship is linear, insofar as a calorie is 4.181 joules.

The list below contains fifteen examples of derived units, highlighting what they come to represent, and the combination of basic units of measure that determines them.

  1. Meter per second (measure of speed or speed): Meter / Second
  2. Cubic meter (volume measurement): meter3
  3. Pascal (pressure measurement): Kilogram / (Meter * Second2)
  4. Henry (inductance measurement): (Kilogram * Ampere2 * Meter2) / Second2
  5. Meter per second squared (measure of acceleration): Meter / Second2
  6. Hertz (frequency measurement): 1 / Second
  7. Pascal second (dynamic viscosity measurement): Kilogram / (Meter * second)
  8. Kilogram per cubic meter (density measurement): Kilogram / Meter3
  9. Square meter (area measure): Meter2
  10. Volt (measure of electric potential): (meter2 * Kilogram) / (Ampere * Second3)
  11. Newton meter (measure of moment of force): (Meter2 * Kilogram) / Second2
  12. Joule per cubic meter (energy density measure): Kilogram / (Meter * Second2)
  13. Coulomb (electrical charge measurement): Ampere * Second
  14. Mole per cubic meter (concentration measure): Mol / Meter3
  15. Watt (power measurement): (meter2 * Kilogram) / Second3

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