Sentences with augmentative nouns

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 8 May 2024
Diminutives/English Grammar/
Video: Diminutives/English Grammar/


Augmentative nouns are meant to exaggerate a quality. They are formed by adding suffixes and are often used in informal language.

In this way, a noun like “match” can be converted into an augmentative noun by adding a suffix and forming the word “match”, for example.

The most used suffixes are:

  • -on. For example: house - mansion
  • -azo. For example: match - great match
  • -ote. For example: clown - clown
  • It can help you: Sentences with diminutive nouns

Examples of sentences with augmentative nouns

  1. Friend - Friend. If Pedro is not here, it is because he will surely be on the corner with his buddies.
  2. Tree - Tree. That garden had trees really very old and big.
  3. Boat - Barge. That was a barge too big for us to navigate ourselves.
  4. Head - Big head. My cousin is so pigheaded that his head must weigh several tons.
  5. House - Caserón. My mother always complained when she cleaned that mansion.
  6. Diablo - Devil. I don't want you to hang out with those children, they are devils.
  7. Goal - Great Goal. That was a great goal worth repeating!
  8. Man - Hombrazo. The magazine model is a hombrazo super attractive
  9. Hand - Hand. They got into a fight at school and Tobias gave him a hand to Cyrus.
  10. Nose - Nose. The ball hit right in his huge
  11. Child - Child. In the school there is a kid you that always annoys me.
  12. Novel - Novelón. I don't like this series because it already seems like a novelón.
  13. Ears - Orejotas. It's true what I've heard! I heard it with my own big ears!
  14. Word - Expletive. I never want to hear you say such a curse!
  15. Panza - Panzota. My dad has a great
  16. Movie - Peliculón. This has been a movie
  17. Dog - Big dog. I don't want to cross the street because there lives a bitch that barks very loudly.
  18. Dish - Platazo. Mom, that's not a soup bowl, it's a platazo!
  19. Door - Slam / gate. Tamara left angry and, without realizing it, closed the door on Juan's nose who received a bang in the middle of the forehead.
  20. Voice - Vozarrón. My neighbor yells with that loud voice That makes her jump out of bed scared

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