Comparative links

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 4 July 2024
Comparative Links
Video: Comparative Links


The comparative nexus waves comparative conjunctions, are intended to establish a comparison relationship between the main sentence and the subordinate. Eg. "so", "more than", "just like" ...

In this way two sentences that appear to be unrelated can be joined. East type of nexus It is widely used in poetry, metaphor, advertising, art, etc.

For example, this metaphor:

  • "Moon so round like a ball ”.

However, comparative links can compare two statements that are not related to rhetorical figures.

For example:

  •  "Ernestina was so tall like me ”.

Examples of comparative links

SoMore than
As well asBetter than
HowLess than
Like whatWorst than
ThusSimilar to
In this waySuch as
The same asAs much as

Sentences with comparative links

  • His eyes were similar to two discs.
  • His grades were worse than Tobias's.
  • The cell phone that Sofia threw flew as scared bird.
  • His neighbor felt worst than never.
  • When the grandmother took the train, like my sister-in-law Juana, she sat in the window seat of the second car.
  • Ana, as cute as her mother.
  • Mateo behaved better than his cousin Augustine.
  • She no longer felt less than he now felt on par.
  • I would like someone to understand me, as well as I have always been very understanding.
  • I made a vegetarian meal such as I know, you like.
  • I want her to love me as much as I love her.
  • The books were so important as its commercial value.
  • My school performance was better than yours.
  • My mom wanted me to be an actress just like my great-grandmother Antonia had been.
  • The circus looked so radiant as always.
  • Lucas had achieved an excellent grade, even more than the best student in the classroom.
  • And after that episode, Patrick felt worst than when he had hit his brother Rodrigo.
  • Susana has a doll similar to the Barbie.
  • Andrea will no longer come to our school as she will move next month, as well as It happened with Candela last year.
  • I made a cake such as he liked my mother.
  • It felt worst than a cartoon villain.
  • She had a dress more beautiful what that of Lourdes.
  • That evening was warm and sweet as cup of hot chocolate in the dead of winter.
  • He gave Maria the count of multiplying the same as Thomas.
  • She felt the same as her aunt, that they should no longer speak.
  • It is important to never feel more than others.
  • My neighbors prepared lasagna for this Sunday like I.
  • That bottle of imported wine is worth the same as renting a seasonal house.
  • His laugh was as cool summer breeze.
  • The ocean shook the ship as paper in the wind.

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